Monday, September 20, 2010

Gather Together In My Name

This next book was another one written by Maya Angelo. It tells the story of a woman who looks for a job to support her son. She changes her name to Rita to get work. She then starts out in San Fransisco, Arkansas, California with many adventures ensuing along the way.

The End Result:

I liked it! A mother does what she has to for her son. The only thing I didn't like were the situations where she found herself in at times due to a man or someone to take advantage of her.

BUT, in the end:

I did enjoy this book!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Bears Of Blue River

This next book was one that I read out of curiosity. It was written by Charles Major. It tells of the TRUE story of the history of my hometown, Shelbyville, IN. A young boy, Balser, finds adventure while growing in early rural Indiana. Although he is familiar w. frontier life, he becomes lost in the forest and encounters a one-eared bear. Deciding to finish an unwanted fight, they prepare for the fight of their lives.

The End Result:

I Enjoyed It!

The rush of adventure throughout this story. What makes it even better was the fact of this story being TRUE! and finding out history of my hometown of Shelbyville and the story of Blue River.

The adventure from Balser and the rest of the characters gives you a rush for the events in this story.

In The End:

I liked it and Found it Full Of Energy!