Beginning w/ a career that started in 1972 when she was hired by the city of New York to prosecute cases involving juveniles. Originally born in Brooklyn, Judy, still in law school, married her first husband at the age of 20. They divorced 12 years and 2 kids later. Remarrying at the age of 33 to Jerry Sheindlin, also a judge. It was a match.
In 1982, Judy was appointed to the family court bench. Six months later, Jerry was assigned, after 20 years, to the criminal court bench. Now it's a two-judge family. When it comes to rule in family court, all of the B.S. excuses would ASTOUND you, the only reply is simply: "Don't B.S. me, as a fair excuse as to why you're here!" At what point IS IT FAIR to say "enough is enough?"
Here is something, women damaging their children, not just by drugs, but by having HIV, then contacting it to their child? Is that fair? For kids who commit VIOLENT crimes w/ a lawyer to get them off, try a detention center for 3 days!? Send the harsh message to wake them up!
Judy also regales stories of her own children and their incidents. Stories in this book, some are about kids who commit crimes and destroy people just for sport. Remember it's just not kiddy court; it's criminal college. When it comes to Judy dealing w/ delinquents "Kids may be getting over on the system, but they don't get over on me"
One thing that is pure B.S. is juveniles who commit crimes just to say - "They told me too!" They made me! How about putting REALITY back into the system? Beginning w/ improving a kid's English ?? As well as THE SYSTEM'S ? For example - a juvenile is a "respondent", his crime is "an act" and his sentence is "a find". WHY NOT CALL IT FOR WHAT IT IS? DON'T B.S. IT! CALL THINGS FOR WHAT THEY ARE!! Curfews also cut back on worry and state dollars. If your kids home when the time comes for them to be - NO WORRY OR EXPENSES! It's a win-win!
Something else screwed up is that NYC courts ruled that Railroad stations CANNOT eject the homeless. Fine! But what about someone homeless there assaulting someone for cash or worse. The ruling made it possible for the criminal to come back and do the same. How Fucked Up Is That? What about 3-hots-and-a-cot? Something else is: that courts making a mugger out harming someone else out of their money and "technicalities" make the mugger a millionaire due to system cracks!
When we are parents, doesn't it bite you in the ass when our kids are/do the same exact shit we did that drove our parents NUTS?! When it comes to foster parenting, why not consider someone who has gone through COMPLETE & RIGOROUS training? Someone who matches the criteria in every inch? The same principal that's used in organ donation should be applied to foster parents? NOT BLOOD - BUT THE COMPATIBILITY? NOT just someone who looks good on an application! Remember looks CAN BE deceiving! A REAL-LIFE example is the case of Jerry Sherwood.
When it comes to parents fighting ENDLESSLY in a courtroom over custody/visitation, REMEMBER THIS: All it's doing is harming the child even worse! Hate to sound harsh, BUT, when you HAVE kids, you ASK FOR IT! Prevention prevents problems! Just remember this: Custody wars are battles w/o winners. Instead of playing "victim", GET REAL AND RESPONSIBLE! One irritation is women who do have a kid and act like it was "put upon her!"
When it comes to media morality. it can be BOTH a blessing AND a burden. A double-edged sword for example is the MTV show 'Teen Mom'. Some say it glorifies teen pregnancy, but others say it shows the REALITIES of parenting and what it TRULY costs you! What's your opinion?
Do you notice how you see stories ALL-THE-TIME of kids who have kids committing crimes to "support the family"? One glance someone could say "Doing for the family". Digging deeper you see their excuse is "I didn't have a dad. Or I didn't have a mom" So in response to that - . . . "And your point?" Just remember . . . sometimes these stories of foster care DO have a good/successful ending!!
If you watch and/or like the Courtroom TV show 'Judge Judy', then I would recommend reading this book just for the mere reason of seeing the experiences through her eyes!
Here's MY Opinion:
I DO AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY with what Judy does say in this book!