When she was growing in East TX, behind her local high school stood a dump yard. While used, they, Sissy and her siblings, would find perfectly good items others had discarded that they could take home. It reminded me of 2 quotes that came to mind: 1. One persons trash is another persons treasure. And the second one is this: Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's no good. Originally born on Christmas Day 1949 and ruining the holiday for her older brothers, Ed & Robbie. her parents named her Mary Elizabeth, but her brothers called her "Sissy" and it stuck.
Sissy's values as a child were formed in a community where material possessions didn't count for much. Her dad, Edwin Spacek, came from a long line of Czech farmers. Her dad may have "acted" strict, but was truly a softy. The town she grew up in, Quitman, TX, didn't have much of anything but it had everything they needed. Sissy and her brothers were very close growing up. She wanted to be like them and idolized them. When she was 4 yrs old, Sissy learned of the double standard and HATED it. Sissy and her brothers were inseparable. Quitman didn't need a 911 center, you had your neighbor. One time when Sissy was accidentally left behind somewhere, she seen her mom's car pulling away and ran after it. She felt abandoned and called her mom, who was already home. When she told her mom that she was left, her mom said she was dramatic and that she should be an actress. Things parents say to kids.

Sissy's parents met on a blind date in 1938. Her dad was with the Chamber Of Commerce. Her mom was finishing business college. Sissy's family lineage made and showed great strides throughout history. Sissy's mom would type documents part-time for an abstract company at a time before Xerox machines and things were done manually. Sissy, at a young age, was famous for fishing things. Her favorite place to explore was the courthouse. She would swivel in the judge's chair when no one was looking. Her favorite of all was the spiral staircase. Her dad worked in the basement and down the hall Sissy would devour the books in the library. Especially biographies. Sissy's father made a BIG IMPACT and MARK all over Texas. Being the only girl, Sissy wanted to be a part of her brother's world.

The first time Sissy noticed segregation in her town was other races entering the theater in a different manner. The whites & blacks has separate EVERYTHING. The Jim Crow laws were perplexing, but it was all they knew. Everyone got along well. Commerce was different. Trading for services was how people got to know each other. Sissy was always a good student, but she wasn't the smartest. She loved the math, but hated the spelling. One thing Sissy was good at was fishing. When she was 6, Sissy's parents took them for a picnic and a performance. That was the day she decided to go into show business.She took up guitar and piano lessons. She progressed quickly. She later formed a group that performed around town.
Sissy started to write her own songs and search for her own style. She never fell for any rock/pop. She was NOT impressed w/ Elvis, but she loved the Beatles. John was her FAVORITE. Sissy was a cheerleader in school. She marched as a drummer in band. A nasty staph infection led her to a twirler w/ marching band. Coming from Sissy, she was a tomboy. Her first dose of the real world came, as did many, in 1963 w/ JFK's assassination. She was in school in the 8TH grade. Robbie, in his sister's eyes, was the TRUE actor in the family. Because a career in theater was out of the question, Sissy poured all of her efforts into music. Carrying her guitar w/ her everywhere and singing for anyone who would listen. Even though they fought like cats/dogs, Robbie & Sissy were best friends, even as teenagers. She would pick out her brothers clothes, knowing what was best. Robbie was a fast runner and eventually joined track.

who diagnosed him w/ leukemia. Before beginning chemo & treatment, Robbie was DETERMINED to do one thing: the track finals in Austin. He assisted the kid who had taken his place at the meet. Robbie shook this kid's hand, wished him luck and helped him set his blocks. Robbie was in/out of the hospital for the next 16 months. His sickness turned their world upside down. Sissy missed ALOT of school, but her teachers let her make up the work. Every Wednesday Sissy and Robbie had a party on the 6TH floor of the hospital. Everyone within the hospital floor became an extended family. Sissy would bring her guitar and sing. It made Robbie and the other patients feel like they mattered; that they weren't forgotten because they were sick.
There were times of brief remission only to have hopes dashed. Robbie came home at times on short trips. Sissy came home one time and Robbie was sitting in the driveway grinning from ear-to-ear. Robbie was holding up a newspaper w/ a headline that said: CURE FOUND FOR LEUKEMIA. As a celebration and he had always wanted one, their dad bought Robbie a foreign sports car. It was love at first sight. He even drove it in their high school homecoming parade. His hair was even growing back. Sissy was in front of him in the marching band. Robbie kept up w/ his school work and was able to graduate w/ his class.
The following spring, Sissy entered a local beauty pageant. She won second. Her talent performance caught the eye of one of the judges, a writer from the Style section of the newspaper. Sissy was hired to sing & play at parties where she was a hit! She was invited to go to New York to cover fashion shows. It was to be a great distraction from home. Her parents were reluctant to send a 17-yr-old on her own to New York and so was Sissy, who was torn between leaving Robbie and her desire to go. Robbie encouraged her to go. Sissy would stay w/ Rip & his family in Manhattan.
Sissy never seen that fashion writer again. When Sissy OFFICIALLY left the airport, she was ECSTATIC to see the city. She knew she would never be the same. On the front seat in the cab to Manhattan, Sissy nearly broke her neck staring at the tall buildings. They, even w/ busy schedules, made Sissy feel safe and welcome. Geraldine, "Gerry", took Sissy under her wing. She loved their home and lifestyle. The experience she had was a far cry from Tyler, TX. Sissy crossed paths w/ Judy Garland's daughter, Liza Minnelli. Once Sissy got accustomed to the city, she ventured on her own.

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Sissy as homecoming queen |
There was never ANY DOUBT on Sissy going to college. She got into the University Of TX. She did all she could to go back to New York for the summer. She was going to give her singing career one more try before college. After six weeks, Sissy's parents paid for her first year's tuition. College life just DID NOT suit her. Her life was passing by and she never made it to the dorm.
Sissy got a job working for $10.00 a night singing in a steakhouse in the same building she resided. She went around playing for customers. It was her first job in show business and she didn't starve. When she wasn't working, she was writing and producing w/ new friends. Sissy, not long after, quit the job at the steakhouse and needed extra cash. Sissy jumped at a chance for a receptionist who was on leave. After a few weeks, the original receptionist returned and Sissy left. After Sissy's roommate was caught spending paychecks assigned to Sissy from the receptionists job, that Sissy had NO IDEA about, the roommate was in trouble. Sissy went the next morning and changed things to fix that situation. Sissy cam back to find the locks changed and her things outside. She had no place to go. She couch surfed until she found a roommate to share an apartment with.
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The Allman Brothers |
Gregg loved Sissy's 12-string guitar. Whenever the city of New York overwhelmed her, Sissy would go home to Quitman for awhile to catch he bearings and take a deep breath. She would stay for awhile and return. One of Sissy's friends in New York was a fashion photographer. After showing one of her head-shots to his agency, Sissy had a short stint at a Chanel No. 5 ad model. It was short lived but the head of the modeling agency wanted to meet her. They put her in the RIGHT direction.
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Robert Redford |
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Mary Tyler Moore |

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Sissy and Jack |
Their relationship was full bloom. Sissy had found her soul-mate and didn't try to hide it. Their first OFFICIAL date ended w/ a search party. At first, Sissy thought Jack's dog, Five, would be jealous of her. Five leaned on people she liked and it meant she had accepted Sissy. Their courtship can only be described weaving within the making of the film. It was kismet. 'Badlands' took 10 months to finish. Sissy was NERVOUS about its reception. They were SHOCKED in utter silence. It WAS NOT a comedy. The critics LOVED it. It was recognized as a landmark in AMERICAN cinema. Sissy didn't know it, but she was part of something great.
If Sissy & Jack had met a few years earlier when she wanted to be a rock star and he wanted to be a painter, they might have sailed right by each other. But now all either of them wanted to do was make films. When Sissy was w/ him, she didn't feel the need to pretend or act a certain way. He liked her just for that. Jack gave up his small rented house in Laurel Canyon while they were filming 'Badlands'. They furnished a place for $300 and the props form the movie. Whenever Jack was w/ his old friend and business partner, David, in talking and hanging out w/ each other, Sissy felt lucky to be included, and found that she fit right in w/ them. She felt a part of the conversation and finally had her own seat at the table.
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Brian De Palma |
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Sissy, Jack & Bill Paxton |
Brian DePalma loved working w/ Jack. He hired him as art director for his adaptation for a Stephen King novel called 'Carrie'. Every young actor in town really wanted this role of title character, Carrie White. Sissy was 25. Brian and the studio wanted differently. They didn't even want to give Sissy a screen test, because they had already decided on someone else. Brian argued w/ the studio for canceling Sissy's screen test. Sissy wanted this job so bad, she could taste it. Sissy stayed up all night and re-read the whole book. After her audition and screen test, Sissy eventually got the part. When Sissy officially came on-screen, the studio KNEW that they had met Carrie.

Sissy's next film was for '3 Women'. When Five the dog died from complications to a broken leg from years prior, it shattered Sissy and Jack.
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Loretta Lynn 1980s |

All of a sudden, the bus door flew open and out stormed a tiny woman in a flaming chiffon dress. She was angry and shaking her fists and yelling. Right then Sissy changed her mind and HAD to play Loretta. Sissy was captivated. Sissy felt at home w/ her like she had known Loretta for years. Loretta was grounded and still a country girl at heart. Sissy still had misgivings about signing on for the film. By this time, Sissy HAD read the book and admired Loretta for what she overcame. Loretta's story was /is an AMERICAN LEGEND. Sissy HONESTLY wasn't sure she could play a REAL person who was still living & working. The original casting director didn't want Sissy for the film based on looks. But Loretta wasn't about to drop the subject.

Meanwhile the director was replaced. Sissy & the producers began looking for a new director. The one that TRULY caught their eye was Michael Apted, who came from a coal mining area in England. He would bring reality to the film and not make it a joke and cartoonish. Sissy began following Loretta like a puppy to capture who is. Loretta had Sissy LAUGHING half the time. They used REAL stories that TRULY happened in the script. Ex. = a fan cutting Loretta's hair. Sissy would listen to recorded tapes over-and-over of Loretta's voice until she could make her own version vocally. Once she GOT Loretta, Sissy stayed in character ALL THE TIME on-and-off the set. Sissy KNEW she had it when their dog would respond to Sissy in her "Loretta" voice.
Loretta herself was the one who encouraged Universal Studios to let Sissy do all of the music for the film. So, thanks to her start a singer, Sissy sang. Sissy spent a week w/ Loretta in a hotel writing and posting songs on scraps of paper & fasten them to lampshades LEARNING how to become Loretta musically. Sissy didn't want to do anything that would embarrass Loretta herself. Finally, Loretta made the ultimate gesture of Faith: she invited Sissy to sing w/ her at the Grand Ole Opry. Sissy was SCARED & INTIMIDATED. She was FROZEN. Doolittle Lynn had to push Sissy out on-stage just the way he had done for Loretta in the past. You HONESTLY couldn't tell when Loretta stopped and Sissy began. Loretta told Sissy "that she NEVER forgets that it was the fans that gave her a career." Loretta and Sissy became as close as sisters thanks to their bond over their roots. Loretta's support was crucial for Sissy. Her support & love was what made this happen.

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Gloria Swanson |

Sissy's mom had become SERIOUSLY ill. She was undergoing treatment when Sissy was accepting her Oscar. She wanted to be w/ her mom for as long as possible. In November 1981, Sissy's mom took a turn for the worse. That morning she was taken to the hospital, she was walking and remembering what she LOVED best about home - taking it all in. She took a breath and turned to go. Sissy found out she was pregnant the week her mom died. When Sissy found out she was pregnant, she prepared for it like it was a film role. When Sissy was pregnant, she didn't have morning sickness and craved watermelon & pineapple.

After learning she was pregnant w/ Schuyler, Sissy & Jack decided that the farm would be a quiet healthy place prepare for baby. So they spent more time up there. When they decided to move to Virginia for good, they wanted to live in small where their kids could have roots. Sissy wanted to live and raise her children in where she could know the name of the neighborhood grocery clerk, stretch her bare feet on the lawn and host her daughter's birthday parties. Living there in that commutative setting gave Sissy, Jack & the girls, Schuyler & Madison a sense of home. Schuyler & Madison became good riders on a horse. They rode in competitions and used their bedroom w/ ribbons. At the farm, the girls followed their mom and mostly used the horses for fun or transport.

For some reason, as soon as Sissy & the family moved to Virginia, the entertainment media decided she MUST HAVE retired. She couldn't convince them and kept on working. After a string of serious films, Sissy found it a relief to do a comedy like 'Crimes Of The Heart' in 1985. With great co-stars on-set, Jessica Lange, Diane Keaton & Tess Harper, there were NO divas on-set. Diane played w/ 3-yr-old Schuyler w/ her doctor's kit. In Virginia, Sissy lives in a place & town that hardly exists in the world anymore: A place where neighbors & people don't do for each other anymore without wanting their's first. Just for neighborly niceness.
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Sissy and both of her daughters |

Madison was a tomboy. Schuyler was a born performer. She made her film debut in at age 7 in a dark comedy directed by her dad. It was called 'Daddy's Dying . . . Who's Got The Will?' With her goal to be a performer, Schuyler started small in school plays. She won a major role at the age of 11 in the film 'The Baby-Sitters Club'. Sissy's daughter's came along at just the right time in her life. She spent most of 1994 in Texas working on 2 projects, 'Secrets Of Laredo' and 'The Good Old Boys', which was Tommy Lee Jones' directorial debut! Madison wanted to be an extra in the film. Sissy dressed her and Madison had fun.
One of the best films/characters for grown women that Sissy found to be rich & nuanced was the character of Ruth Fowler in the film 'In The Bedroom'. Sissy states that the most fun on films are when no one is getting rich and everyone is there for the right reason. They love their craft. Schuyler, who was 18 at the time, got her first experience in set decoration on that film. The most important thing Sissy did when arriving on location for the TRUE story 'The Straight Story' was meet the REAL person's daughter, Alvin Straight's daughter, Diane, absorbing her voice and learning her body language.
After witnessing the scene of an accident that took a man's life right in front of her, it reminded Sissy not to take anyone/anything for granted. To live without regrets and enjoy every minute that we have. In his late years, Sissy cared for her dad up until his passing at 90 years old. There TRULY are valuable lessons everywhere in the world, but you have to be willing to learn and read the signs.
After attending college, Schuyler moved to L.A. She continues to act in films, but for the past few years, her energy goes into music w/ 2 released CD's. Sissy will sing w/ her or Schuyler will bring her mom in on a harmony while she performs. Madison started painting & sculpting in CA w/ a yearning to be an artist & filmmaker. She is paying her dues to her real goal: becoming an art director living in Texas. Madison's paintings are expressions of the world around her. When Sissy is HOME in Virginia, that's EXACTLY what it is without the glitzy and notoriety of Hollywood. One of the best things Sissy has ever done in life came late: the author of 'To Kill A Mockingbird', Harper Lee, asked Sissy to read the audiobook version. Doing that made Sissy re-fall in love w/ the book & the movie all over again.