To start, Brad states he owes everything and credits it all to the women that have entered his life. From his grandmother Ruby, to his mom, his sister, his bosses at Vogue and his friends. They protected him from bullies, from boyfriends and from the cruel world itself. (Something I can personally relate to!) Although his story may have the elements of a fashion fairy-tale, what it is at heart is a TRUE survival story. Too much excess to escape a cruel and harsh childhood.
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Brad as a kid |
Brad first began reading Vogue around age 12. Before that, he would watch fashion on television. He would dress his mom on nights out w/ his dad. He wasn't a big hit w/ other boys but he didn't care. In department stores, he would walk by the women's shoe department and SHRIEK!! Brad grew up in Port Perry, Ontario. His childhood was detailed as "trying to fit a round kid in a square town". "Fashion Television" was a place he belonged. It was like a party going on and he was on the outside looking in.

Brad's clothing attire today w/ the bow tie he states began as a joke. his first bow tie came from his boyfriend when he was in London. They were going out w/ some straight friends to a bar, Brad thought he would wear it out as a test to acquire a reaction. It became a conversation piece w/ people asking questions. Brad told Ruby "when he got older, he was going to be a window dresser". She told him to "be a makeup artist, they make more money."
Brad loved his dad and vice versa. His dad just didn't understand him. But it was a 2-way street. They didn't have anything in common. Brad didn't have much w/ him. Everything his dad was/is, Brad wasn't. Brad loved his dad, he just had strong female role models growing up, he never sought love & acceptance from him.

Brad's bedroom as a kid was a refuge. He was lighting candles, incense, staring up at the sky smoking a cigarette, dreaming of a better place. He was in fear of going to school. Brad wanted the right of every other teenager - to express himself. Eating lunch in the stairwell w/ 2 other girlfriends or in the library which wasn't okay to do. NOT A DAY went by that Brad was imitated or called the F-word in the hallways. It only hurt because it made it REAL! He was scared by what that meant for his life. He didn't have ANY role models or someone to look up to.
Brad did make an effort to try to fit in for 2 weeks. It just wasn't him. He KNEW who he was and so did everyone else. He cried ALOT because his sister was gone at college. They had talked about Brad's sexuality before she left. Testing the waters and her reaction, his sister was ACCEPTING of her brother. Brad's one true getaway and unapologetic ally be himself was theater camp. The summer after 10TH grade, What he loved about it was the FREEDOM it provided. That same summer Brad got his first kiss. He knew enough to enjoy it. Girls were friends, not love interests. (Something I can agree w/ and understand with as well.)
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Kurt Cobain |

While Brad & his dad NEVER developed that father & son shorthand w/ each other, his dad showed his affection in other ways. He supported his son through his theater productions. Though things may have been crazy at home, it was the theater when and where the Goreski family came together. The sound of applause for Brad was a much needed validation of his self-worth. It always has been.
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Brad & Tracy |

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Brad's headshot |
Brad was folding chinos at the Gap during the day, but at night he was hanging out at drag clubs in Toronto. Everything Brad knows about drag, he learned from RuPaul's book 'Lettin' It All Hang Out, which Brad read his first year of college when he had a terrible case of mono. When that following summer came, it was a party. But when Brad returned to school, the party didn't stop. He got the GAP job and began waiting tables at an Italian restaurant. For the first time in his life, Brad was making good money. He bought his first pair of Prada shoes. He really enjoyed working at the restaurant. He was out at all times, dancing after work, doing drugs w/ friends & co-workers. He thought that was what being a 20-yr-old in a big city was all about. He didn't recognize that he did indeed have a problem.
Brad did know enough of his addiction to hide it all from a classmate in theater school who was also from Ontario. With his classmate, Brad was clean. Despite the effort, the abuse wasn't helping his school performance. He was exhausted all the time. He got good at covering his addiction w/ a lie. Six months later, he couldn't hide his addiction anymore. He was working at the restaurant, staying out all night & going to class. Brad's parents came in every Sunday to take him to the store, because they knew what he would spend the money on. Soon the school administration asked him to leave, but he was put on probation instead. Brad pushed back and refused to be a failure.He wanted school. Sometimes it was all just too much. As much as he tried to hide his drug abuse from others, they knew it was more than recreational.

When Gianni Versace was murdered, Brad melted down for a couple of days. Nick came into Brad's life when his parents were divorcing. But, Brad's lifestyle and drug use was beginning to ruin relationships. Brad;s sister, Mandy, and him weren't getting along. Brad was declining and needed to get help for his addictions. It was early December and Brad didn't recognize himself in the mirror. IT WAS REAL and his addiction was in his face. Brad needed to stop w/ the cocaine and drinking. He called his dad in the dead of winter and asked for help. With addiction comes relapses. But Brad has been and REMAINS sober as of 5-3-2001.
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Brad and Gary |
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Brad in Ocean's Eleven |
Brad Goreski used the time in LA to get to know Gary. A chance to build a real foundation. For Brad, it was ALOT of firsts. A First trip to London, Thailand & Gary's home state of New York City. When they arrived, Brad fell in love w/ NYC. Brad's family had become suspicious at this point. Moving to LA w/ a man he hardly knew? Many was indignant. Gary finally confronted the situation, offered to fly her out so they could meet. Brad's friend from high school, Tracy, was also concerned and flew out. When Tracy arrived in LA, let's just say: you can take the boy out of Ontario, but you can't take the Ontario out of the boy. After Tracy looked in Brad's eyes, she seen her old friend from Port Perry. Tracy & Brad found their way back to each other. After a few months, Brad found and joined an AA outpost in Brentwood. They took their sobriety SERIOUSLY there.

Shortly after the 'Life' magazine cover came out, Brad received a call from Mandy that their Grandmother Ruby was sick w/ cancer and he should fly home IMMEDIATELY. When Ruby died, Brad was in the hospital w/ her. Her passing focused him. He remembers looking around the hospital room feeling grateful that he was there. Brad couldn't have done this if he were still using, but now he felt strong. He felt like a man. He wanted to continue to be a better person.

The head boss of the shoot was ending her stint w/ her assistant and she was looking for a replacement. NO ONE really worked out. Even though he was only a junior in college, Brad was asked if he was interested in the job. She saw something in him and asked him to stay on. Brad was caught off-guard. He talked it over w/ Gary and the immigration lawyer who advised him to stay in school and get the degree. As hard as it was, he did just that. He stayed in LA interning the next summer. Brad was thrown in the deep end w/ 2 celebrity stylists. He was 5-yrs sober and it was time to make amends.
Brad called his ex, Nick, which was hard to see the damage from Nick's perspective. Brad had to clean up from the mess he made. He will always remember the look of relief that came from Nick's face. Brad had been struggling w/ his apology for years. It was keeping him from moving forward. He also allowed Nick to let go. Brad graduated from USC in 2008 w/ a degree in art history. He needed a job - entry level and wanted to work w/ Rachel Zoe. No one really knew what a stylist was until she came along. She made it a legitimate career. Brad was relentless on his pursuit to meet Rachel and needed a personal introduction. It officially happened at a dinner on 11-7-2006. Brad thought Rachel looked like a REAL Barbie. He was in awe. Brad told Rachel he was finishing school and if she ever needed help, he would work w/ her.
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Anna Wintour |
Brad was RELENTLESS to work w/ Rachel. After Brad applied to work in the Los Angeles office of 'Vogue' w/ Anna Wintour, he flew back from coast to another. When he returned, an e-mail arrived from Rachel asking for an interview - completely out of the blue. It was July 2008, Brad made an impression. Rachel offered him a part-time position and it was bittersweet. In the meantime, Brad accepted the job full-time at the West Coast 'Vogue' office starting IMMEDIATELY. He walked away knowing he would work w/ Rachel when he came back.
To be an assistant at 'Vogue' is to be the low man on the totem pole. Brad was NOT against grunt work, he just wished he was better at what he did. As part of his job, Brad was also the liaison to the magazine's New York office and he helped in any way he could. He describes the moment that would forever define him: the realization of just how far he had to climb. At this time though Brad didn't know it yet, there would come a day when he wouldn't have to beg to get a ticket to a fashion show.
Brad had his marching orders for a 3-day shoot. He was to be seen and not heard. He was desperately trying to look busy and earn his keep. That's one thing Brad learned as an intern: always look busy. When people see him on television, Brad may come off as quite a socializer and that it comes natural & easy for him, but he actually quite shy. At dinners, he has had to force himself to speak and join conversation. It was enough that he was invited to the dinner table. He didn't need to risk overstaying his welcome. Aside from what he had done already, Brad had little to-do w/ actual fashion at 'Vogue'. He was "fashion world" adjacent. If he had been in New York walking in the halls of the ACTUAL company, it must have been enough. But Brad wondered where this job was headed?
One afternoon, an invitation arrived that Brad managed to grab, for the invitation to a launch party by Rachel Zoe. Brad hadn't given up working for her. He planned on staying at the party to grab her attention. She eventually called him over initiating they hang out for the night w/ her and her 2 assistants: Taylor and Leah. Minutes later, they were all dancing during the party. Brad wondered if he was now friends w/ Rachel? He was selling himself for a job. When he left the party, he was told to expect a call. There was a job opening and Rachel called herself. But there was more to the story. What brad didn't know was that Rachel was at work on a reality show. The previous person didn't want to be on television. Brad would have to be involved w/ the show if he wanted the job. Shooting began in January.

Brad had already lined up a shoot for Alaska in 2 days. Rachel wanted his answer when he returned. On this trip, Brad proved to himself and his boss, that he did belong in this world. And to belong was ALL Brad ever wanted. in a way, Brad's training at Vogue was perfect prep for life w/ Rachel. Brad sent Rachel an e-mail letting her know that he would take the job.
Working for Rachel Zoe was dramatic from day one. To be an assistant means your life is not your own. Although it was his dream job, there was NO new-job orientation or any employee training. Just jump right in. On the first day, Brad realized he had NO business working for Rachel Zoe. While he knew what to do, Brad has ALOT to learn. They began filming the first season of 'The Rachel Zoe Project' only one week after Brad arrived. Not knowing at all how it would work. Unfortunately, Brad's responsibilities were never clearly defined. It was a real job but no one was telling him what to do or what direction to take. He was lost more often than not. When Brad got home to Gary that night, he locked himself in the home office & cried. He was 17 again.
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Mother & Daughter (Goldie & Kate) |

Tensions were rising between Brad & Rachel's 2ND assistant, Taylor. Taylor began talking and treating Brad like a child. Taylor would rant at the cameras. Brad had to be resourceful and use the tools he learned at AA. If he really said what he wanted to say, Brad would've been fired. He had given up all credibility and his career trajectory to be on a TV show and although he hadn't seen any footage, Brad knew how he'd be perceived on-camera. He just felt that taking this job may have been a mistake. A rash panic move. He felt he had let a 24-yr-old blonde girl walk all over him.
Brad had learned that you can't let people take opportunities away from you. He developed a tougher skin. He insisted on keeping the lines of communication open w/ Taylor. He stood up for himself. It made all the difference. They were soon supporting each other. Brad doesn't regret crying on-camera. It was REAL even though it's hard to escape. He would receive fan mail from young gay lads across the country reaching out telling Brad he gave them hope. The courage to come out and be themselves. By being himself, Brad had given others the courage to do the same.
It was the celebrity or the glamour that thrilled Brad, but more like they were this traveling pair of gypsies w/ everyone that was involved. For a small moment, they became a family. Like a musician being on tour. There were surreal moments as well. When Mattel wanted to and invited Rachel to the Barbie factory and presented her w/ a doll of her likeness, Brad was in awe and it took him back to his childhood. He got sick on a commercial working w/ Anne Hathaway. Brad quit smoking cold turkey and suffered from it physically. It has been 10 years and there are days where Brad wished he could just check out.
The ratings for the show on the second season were rising. Shortly before filming the third, Taylor was fired. Brad was devastated. He & Taylor didn't get along on the outset, but they grew to be close friends. In a way, Taylor made Brad less afraid in front of other important people. In a weird way, Taylor taught Brad to be his own man and to assert himself. For that, Brad will be forever grateful. When Brad decided to leave Rachel, it was because he wanted to before it got to a point where Brad was tired of the job and wanted a way out. He didn't want it to reach a precipisical point. The same way Taylor did. Brad wanted to leave while there was still magic left in it.
It was the third season and Brad was thrust into a leading role as Rachel's styling director. It was a huge opportunity and overwhelmingly stressful. Brad knew what it felt like to be alive. He had seen he was mature. How much Rachel respects him. They were on the same team. He wasn't a B-assistant trying to prove himself. It was a major turning point. Brad was being noticed. His bow tie & glasses had almost become as much as a shield as his grunge look was back in high school. His working out every morning was as much as a meditative experience as it was about doing something for himself.
Working for Rachel was the best professional experience of his life. He left in part, because he didn't want to be another Taylor. He didn't want to take being on-set for granted. It wasn't that his work was slipping, but Brad didn't feel that drive in his heart anymore. The fire was out. The only way to get it back was to work for himself. (It wasn't that he wasn't grateful for the job and opportunity, it was just that Brad didn't want to be stuck as an assistant.) Brad didn't want to do anything behind Rachel's back. He was up-front w/ her. He wanted her to know why he was leaving. He was on a fitting job in another country before he genuinely realized he could do this job on his own. Brad felt secure in his duties and everyone was happy. Brad went from relying on others to relying on himself.

There was speculation that Brad wanted to poach Anne to be a client. If it were anyone, Brad would've poached Jake. He/Brad wanted to establish himself as a men's stylist and Jake was one of his dream clients. At least, Brad was excited again. He could feel anticipation and promise. He was walking in those shows pretending he belonged. Now here he was again, fighting to prove himself. Brad was home in L.A. when his phone buzzed w/ a text from Joe Zee wanting Brad to style some of his work for him. When word leaked out of Brad's work, more jobs followed. He was called by 'InStyle Magazine'. They took a chance on him. At the end of the successful shoot of the magazine, InStyle offered Brad, later on, a 3-story contract. He must've done something right.

He was in New York and he & Gary stayed at the Mercer Hotel. Lindsay Myers had been a stable at the Mercer for 3 years. She had that spark plug about her. "The attitude that gets shit done." Brad thought she could certainly handle anything what he threw at her. She moved to L.A. on May 23RD. Brad didn't actually realize how much she was needed until she arrived. He was working and getting his name out there. Brad was getting things done and organized. 'InStyle Magazine' asked Brad to curate a monthly page beginning in September 2011 called 'Brad's Buzz Board'. When Brad came out to Mandy in high school, she was unfailingly supportive. She didn't tell Brad about what fears his being gay meant for her life. Talk to her today and Mandy does love and accept her brother. Brad is GRATEFUL! Fashion was Brad's savior as a kid. Because he has overcome so much and proven everyone wrong, Brad is exactly where he is supposed to be! He was born to be Brad!
While I personally and thoroughly loved and enjoyed reading Brad's story . . . . . all I'm saying is that I wished there was more "story" rather than "style" throughout the entirety of this book.