Well that concludes the end of 2011. ALOT of these books were pre-planned and some were sporadic. But they were all really great. Just wait until next year w/ a whole new category of authors and characters for either enjoyment or learning experience. Throughout this year of books, I can tell which ones became popular and which ones were merely okay. But, there were some that probably held of a surprise reading. Some were from years ago, that I forgot about - completely. Reading them again, I could tell why I enjoyed the book in the first place. So thank you to everyone that either read my blog, followed it or just left a comment. Thank You! I hope to hear from everyone again as a new list of books head my way. Thank you for following or just checking things out. I TRULY do appreciate it!
~ Jeremy
This is the chronicling of the many books that have been read and the TRUTH behind the stories given.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Rainbow High

Nelson and Jeremy go on a date for pizza and a movie - trying to keep light subjects since trying to focus on something other than those test results which were being waited on. Jeremy kept worrying throughout the date of what Nelson's test results were.
Monday after school, Kyle and Nelson went to help stress while getting the HIV test. When Nelson was testing, Kyle wanted to get it done as well (What the hell). When Kyle got home, his parents gave him an envelope of a college reply. He had been accepted by Tech, as well as Nelson and Jason. But then he/Kyle worried about the result of going away.
Up to this point, Jason had come out to important people in his life; Corey - his best friend, Debra - his ex, his mom and his little sister. Next, he still whethered to come out to Coach. Jason sill, while they each held a special place in his life, debated coming out to teammates. He was sick of hiding and his environment surrounding him. Privately in Coach's office, he hinted around, but Coach got the clear message he was initially saying. He was equally supportive. After this, a blue-haired Nelson responded to this.
Going to the doctor's to receive his test results, Nelson and Kyle both went, with Nelson scared SHITLESS. Already a ball of nerves, Nelson reached out for Kyle's hand. Without missing a beat, Kyle squeezed back. Nelson felt a semblance of peace. A horrified Nelson had to go find out his test results alone, due to clinic rules. His results read: negative. After this event, Nelson still wanted Jeremy - someone who was already POSITIVE. Kyle was really scared for Nelson b/c of what hey just went through. Kyle and Nelson both knew this wouldn't be the last time they go for a test if Nelson went w/ Jeremy. It GENUINELY scared Kyle. Whenever Kyle needed anything, Nelson was there.
Jason went to Kyle's for homework help. What began as studying became a make-out session until his/Kyle's mom knocked on the door w/ pie and milk at hand. It was after that Nelson inner-embarrassment of what happened forced him to leave and go home. At lunch the next day, Jason confided to Corey about coming out to Coach. On the same day, Debra was still hurt about feeling somewhat used by Jason since he came out like she was an experiment that lasted for 2 years. At the Coach's suggestion, Jason went and talked to Ms. MacTraugh about his confliction on coming out. He boldly and honestly, w/ the same reciprocated, asked her if she was gay? She told him the truth - she was. After dinner that night, while she was doing the bills, Jason told his mom about coming out to Coach and plans for school.
Eager to speak w/ Jeremy, Nelson phoned him a 3rd time wanting to talk since his test results came in. Nelson went over there, gave Jeremy the results and helped him w/ his laundry, which led to kissing and stopping to take him home. Nelson then informed Jeremy that his mom wanted to meet him. She liked him. When Kyle and Jason spoke on the phone, Kyle brazenly asked Jason if he was "SAFE" when he was w/ Debra? At first he was, then it was unprotected. The next day, Kyle went for swim practice only to find some harassment and the Coach, privately, said/requested that since coming out for him to dress last alone in the locker room due to uncomfortability - Fine! When Kyle got home, he received word that he had been accepted to Tech. The same school Nelson was going to. He called him w/ excitement. Also was an acceptance to Princeton., which upset Nelson to hang up quickly.
It was over the loudspeaker at school that Jason was called into the principal's office, where he was met by Principal Mueller and the Coach. When he got there he found that Mueller urged him to stay closeted until the basketball season finished. As to not gain a bad rep finishing the season, Jason needed someone to talk to about this so he went to Kyle. After discussing the situation, when Kyle left, Jason's mom asked about Kyle which Jason re-assured her of who Kyle was.
Out of boredom, Nelson went to the grocery store with his mom and picked out a card for Jeremy, which Nelson's mom instantly knew who it was for. She invited him to dinner. Alone in his room, Nelson gave Jeremy the card he'd bought. Later the next week, Nelson wanted to tell his mom about dating someone who was already POSITIVE. He just kept holding off. One night after a P-FLAG meeting that his mom went to solo, he found the PERFECT opportunity to tell her. Since she liked Jeremy he found it harder to tell. Questioning led to the truth. Being a mom - she freaked! She forbade him to date Jeremy. He grabbed his jacked and stormed out and lit a cigarette! Walking halfway he'd already gone to Kyle's. But where else could he go?
When Nelson got there, his mom obviously kept calling w/ Nelson silently refusing to talk. After he finally did talk, he went home an hour later. After he left, Kyle had confessed that he did get into Princeton but had chosen Tech plans to his parents. After an argument ensued due to his parents thinking that Kyle turned it down due to Jason, he retaliated to pay for it himself. But still they wanted him to chose wisely! Leave Jason or pass up Princeton?
The next day at lunch, Nelson was being harassed by Dwayne, shouting and shoving. Only then does Jason step beside him. When it seemed heated, the cafeteria monitor broke it up w/o violence due to a promise that Jason made to Mueller. Afterwards Jason went to see Coach, he opted for Jason to have a special meeting w/ the team to come out once and for all. Thinking about his promise to Mueller he tried that and it didn't work. Now, he looked at the Coach more seriously since he seen how much this man was putting himself on the line for him - more than Jason's ever did. The reason way was simple: he believed in Jason. Shortly after he ran in his ex, Debra, whom he was avoiding. They walked together as he updated her. She seemed upset. Fidgety and nervous after algebra, he BOLTED to Kyle's locker, in which he gave him the best advice he could. Coach gave him the floor to speak before practice. He BOLDLY and brazenly came out to his teammates. One teammate tried to challenge Coach's warning about the consequential result of harassing Kyle. In the locker room after practice, the team began joking w/ him, but while grateful and laughing he was in the shower - crying.
After dinner that night, Nelson received a call from his father after being given a newspaper clip from his mom about HIV. His dad called on behalf of his mom's request for Nelson to stop seeing his boyfriend. What the hell right did he/his dad have? Afterwards he ran to Jeremy's. What turned into venting became more when Nelson arrived he found Jeremy VERY nauseous and sick. A reaction to his meds. Nelson stayed and helped through the worst of all of it. Volunteering to stay and spend the night to help. Instead he went home and thought about the beauty of what he did that night for Jeremy. He was there for the one he loved to take care of him.
Even though the spectacle of coming out to the school was dying down, Jason was called to the office only to find the principal and the Coach. TV News Channel 7 wanted to interview Jason about his coming out. Normally it was over sports or something. But never personal. A ball of confliction due to fear it might harm his college chances. The interview went great - scary but great! After it was over, he gave Nelson and Kyle some re-assurance for the answers he gave during the interview, which hurt/upset Kyle.
When they got Kyle's, Nelson TRIED all he could of to get Kyle out of his mopiness. The following day Nelson begged for Kyle to cover for him if his mom called b/c he was really going to see Jeremy. They had planned to meet Jeremy's friends. Matt and Bob both had HIV. As a group, Nelson felt left out since everyone else had a common bond. Nelson had a surge to "join in". Disbelieving he gave Nelson a firm understanding of what it was he was asking for! When they got back to Jeremy's, they began to make out and go farther, but a glass fell over - shattering during the heated session. Picking up the glass made Jeremy start to bleed. A small joke made Jeremy SNAP back, which was bad enough for Nelson since he received that kind of treatment at home. After that Jeremy softened. He tried to apologize but it was too late and Nelson dressed and left. When he got home, first his mom chewed him out about where he REALLY was. Then he called Kyle and retold him the evening's disaster and Jeremy's shoving him. After their talk, he went to bed still pissed at Jeremy.
Catching the bus to a swim meet, Kyle started to look for a seat/sit but was called out rudely by someone he could've sat next to. So he sat next to Cindy, Cory's girlfriend. But the vulgarity didn't stop there throughout the trip. When the Coach spoke w/ Kyle, she said that he brought it on himself by vocally coming out. After defending himself from that, she barred him from the meet - period! After talking to his dad on the phone, he apologized and was was re-entered to compete! The next day after, Kyle decided to outdo the harassment and do his best - which was better than that. Charlie the bully tried to start-up again at the locker afterward, which Kyle ignored and showered for the first time in weeks. Talking w/ his dad on the way home, he no longer felt angry at Jason.
After Jason's TV broadcast, his mom was finally forced to deal w/ his being gay. The phone rang w/ Kyle on the line. After the "weird" start-up talk, Kyle asked if could come over. Arriving w/ a gift and talking things over from the trip/meet. Patching and making up. At school, things were getting better. The team had gotten through Jason's coming out and the school would've been better for it. On Saturday night, a very ANXIOUS game - in which Jason won - the championship. But it was more than that. It was about a coach and a team who'd accepted him. He did it! After the game, Kyle put his arm around Jason totally uncaring of who seen it! When asked on camera by the news if Kyle was his boyfriend, Jason didn't think twice and answered Honestly! then kissed him in front of everyone.
Early the next morning while still asleep, Jason's cellphone rang at Nelson's. He answered w/ Jeremy on the receiver. He did accept a coffee date, which he anticipated. Even though he was still pissed at his mom, he gave her warning. When he kissed him on the cheek, Nelson no longer wanted to break up. Nervously, he apologized for his actions, sincerely. With a jolt to speak, Nelson spilled too much to take back. But reality hit to where they broke up. The response hit Nelson like a car. Holding on for 3 blocks, Nelson called Kyle on his cell and just emotionally fell apart - wishing he could believe everything Kyle was saying. When he got home, his mom tried pity for what Nelson KNEW would happen with his dad. After she confessed her displeasure only for him to spill what Jeremy dumped him. Too depressed he went to bed. Truth is: He's hurt!
At school, two girls that Kyle hardly knew ran up giggling asking if Jason was his boyfriend. He had answered honestly -yes! Taunts and jeers came his way all day. At dinner that night, Kyle was logically wondering about the result of leaving Jason to go Princeton and losing him. Jason on the other hand felt like shit for not encouraging Kyle - completely stressing. Jason received a letter to Coach from Tech canceling his schlorship. Where could he go to school now? Feeling it was due to his being gay. Walking out before last period, he found himself at Kyle's. After mounting stress, Kyle and Jason went upstairs to "let it go/out". When he got home, Jason told his mom about what happened and why he left school early.
After much mental anguish and all they'd gone through, Nelson asked Jeremy to go to his prom - as friends. He accepted a date to go. The week of Kyle's final swim meet, things w/ the team had gotten loads better thanks to the meeting. During that meeting w/ the swim coach, Kyle's dad defended his sexuality, his son and his position to it's fullest extent. Kyle felt complete pride for his dad. It was the closest he'd felt to him in years. Since the GSA approved same-sex dates and Kyle made Nelson call Jeremy, Nelson made Kyle call Jason for a prom date. He agreed to go! After everything he'd gone though in just the past few months, Kyle thought he was the luckiest boy on earth.
Walking to get ice cream, Jason and Kyle spotted Coach Cameron w/ his family. Kyle had introduced himself while Jason went nervous/blood-red. Jason felt pride for what happened there in the mall. As Ms. MacTraugh's suggestion, Jason vented all of his anger from Tech into a letter to get it out of him. When Jason got home, his mom gave him an envelope w/ a fan letter from what they just seen on TV. Yeah - he did lose the schlorship, but gained something better. Role Model status.
The week before prom, Nelson hurried. When the time came his mom cried in "mom-mode". After dropping him off at Kyle's, they hurried and readied in his room, w/ Kyle's dad helping w/ ties on both boys. A little nervous at first, but settled. Their dreams came true that night for Nelson and Jeremy, Kyle and Jason. Ignoring him most of the night, Nelson mustered up and had the time of his life. He realized everything he'd gone through and more. He was just happy and grateful to be at the place he was, where he was going and it was ALL worth it!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The 'I Love Lucy' Book

While television itself was still in infancy, I Love Lucy became America's FAVORITE obsession. No Joke! After Feb.15TH, a pilot for CBS HAD TO be done. The first thing needed was a format for a script. The network wasn't overjoyed to have Desi involved in this Lucille Ball series. Because of his extensive background, CBS wanted/hired Jess Oppenheimer to work his TV "magic" on Lucy/Desi's new show. Due to timing, Jess and the other writers decided to utilize pieces of Lucy/Desi's vaudeville act in the pilot.
When the pilot was beginning to be shot/filmed, nothing had been singed legally. CBS execs sought Desi and attempted a "Power Play" (Sign the contracts as is or no show). Calling their bluff, Desi was right, the studio paid for everything. Originally the show was to be shot in NY which was no reason for it. To make things easier, the show settled to be set in Manhattan, while remaining in Hollywood. Since CBS refused to put up $5,000 remainder fee and Lucy/Desi would get 5,000 between them + 50% off all rights, they took a salary cut and FULL ownership of the show. It was Desi's idea - which had NEVER been done before was to shoot before a live studio audience.
After the Lucy/Desi characters were fully set/ready, the writers came up w/ an older married couple. Lucy had originally wanted Gale Gordon and Bead Benaderet for these roles but they were both contractually obligated elsewhere. After little Lucy was born, Lucille received a call from someone asking "if there was a role for him in her new show". It was William Frawley.

The TRUE challenge was early on when 3 writers were required to crank out 1 episode per week (40-50 pages). With everything set, all they needed was a location to film. When Lucy explained how much this show meant to her/respected his work, her said "yes" (Karl Freud). After much search, the studio officially settled on General Silver Studio as a set for the show. After the deal, reports said it was the HIGHEST ever, predicting a pattern for the future. Eight days prior to the first camera shooting, construction to build the set began. A man at CBS took a huge gamble to be production manager; if the show picked up, he was fine - if not, he would be out of a job, since quitting work on 'Ozzie & Harriet' to do 'Lucy'. After a few days, a whole new team was assembled.
When it was time to officially shoot the pilot, a long line of people began forming along Romaine Street "Desilu Playhouse". Inside all of the executives sat/seen the show wondering if where their money had gone too. With nerves everywhere, Lucy settled to make Vivian comfortable by making her laugh. NOW was the moment of TRUTH w/ Lucy's career on the line. All Lucy remembered from that night was trying to protect her stomach since she gave birth to Lucie just prior by Cesarean. Everyone was nervous for a reaction from testers. Days later, the show aired and they never looked back.
On Monday 10-15-51, @ 9:00p time slot 'I Love Lucy' debuted on CBS. Before the episode actually started, spokesman Phillip Morris presented the first "Lucy" commercial. Afterwards starting the 'I Love Lucy' pilot, immediately following. The next day the reviews came in to incredible reviews. During the weekly morning meetings, Lucy had a marvelous sense of what worked and what didn't. If something was wrong, she couldn't sense it, but felt something was missing/wrong. They fixed it. During a dinner break, the ENTIRE crew discussed the episode, from 8-to-10, sometimes as late as 1 AM. In a 'Time' magazine cover story, the phenomenon of 'I Love Lucy' was analyzed and said "Lucille Ball's low comedy and antics dethrown such TV Veteran headlines as Milton Berle and Arthur Godfrey.
Instructed by her doctor, Lucy was insisted to spend the weekends resting due to exhaustion. Business was good. Plans had gone underway for 'Lucy' to be produced into a radio show, but too many complications came. By May, 11 million American families were invited to the Ricardos/Mertzes. The April 7TH airing broke a TV record w/ 'I Love Lucy' being the first TV show to be seen in 10 BILLION homes. When it came to the CLASSIC 'Vitameatavegamin' ad, people couldn't keep from laughing. Another CLASSIC scene from 'Pioneer Women' where Lucy bakes her own bread w/ too much yeast. After the filming was over, the GIANT loaf was cut into huge slices and given to the crew to take home.
The 'Job Switching' episode was quite a challenge. Hiring a candy maker from Cee's Candy Store - a real pro. There was ALOT of similarities to the real-life couple Lucy/Desi & Lucy/Ricky. Desi's fractured English was NOT written into the script. Ricky's Spanish outburst were merely an extension to the REAL Desi Arnaz. When Lucy found out she was pregnant, Desi was worried about the status of the show and what would happen. The producers thought it was great! It was a perfect segue into season 2. In the July 18, 1952 edition of 'TV Guide', it was stated that Lucy's pregnancy would appear on the show. Featuring a seven episode constituting her "expectancy". CBS found it a nicer word. One episode shot during Lucy's pregnancy was the CLASSIC 'Job Switching' episode.
For 6 weeks, newspapers were responding like crazy when it came out that the Ricardo's baby be "born" that Monday. Without meaning to be crusaders, the Arnazes did manage to lift from the shoulders of all expectant mothers a load of embarrassment and gaucherie.Mail that reached Desilu was more pro-than-con. Hundreds of thousands were encouraging, only 207 letters were disapproving. Quietly on Monday, Jan. 19Th, Lucy gave birth to a boy, Desi Jr. Everyone was elated! Newspapers went wild across the world - seven minutes after the baby's birth. The following day after when General Dwight Eisenhower was inaugurated a president, Walter Winchell mentioned her on his report. When 29 million people witnessed that, 44 mill. seen Little Ricky's birth. The arrival of Little Desi sent the popularity of the series to an all-time high. In 1952, sponsored merchandise sold like crazy. The show used a set of twins and paid $25.00 each per show to pose as Little Ricky. The remainder for the 1952-53 season was hectic.

In the five years that Jess Oppenheimer was on the show, there was maybe 3 times that they didn't finish a story idea they started on the same say due to it taking longer than usual. But it also helped ALOT that they had ALOT of backlog scripts from 'My Favorite Husband'. The situations for which they wrote for Lucy to be in the ideas came from REAL life. "If I could do it, Lucy could" situations that COULD happen in real life. There was NO QUESTION about the fact that Jess (Oppenheimer) was the creative force behind the 'Lucy' show. Everyone was always worried about who was doing what and who got credit for it. As the shows successes grew, so did clashing egos.
The use of guest stars coming in helped the slightly faltering 'Lucy' ratings. An interesting financial negotiation took place in the forth season. For the inherent promotional consideration, GM agreed to pay Desilu 5,000 cash to cover the added production costs some exterior shooting involving the car. GM also tossed in 5 Pontiac's, 3 of which went to series' writers. On March 8TH, 1955, sponsor Phillip Morris announced it was dropping 'I Love Lucy' after the June 27TH telecast. Reasons due to trying new concepts at a lesser costs. 'I Love Lucy' completely changed Lucy's memorization. From a movie actress, she had trouble remembering lines. She found a quicker way w/ co-operation from the writers. The show was filled w/ factual errors and oversights that could easily have been corrected.
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Bill Asher |

To add to his responsibilities since Oppenheimer, Desi assumed the role of producer in season six. Desi Arnaz, Jr. whom, in a way, was portraying the real kid who played Little Ricky reacted to "competition" . He had an identity problem. He wanted desperately to be better at something - anything - than the boy he was playing.
With the new hour long episodes, an enlarged budget pleased Vivian due to a change-up in costumes since she was sick of being in the frumpy clothes. It really did make her feel better. For an episode of an hour long, Desi signed one of Lucy's old classmates in school, Bette Davis. But an incident stopped her from actually appearing on the show. Bette's replacement was one of Lucy's idol's - Tallullah Bankhead - A real nightmare - but she was really great. CBS had initially acquired 179 episodes in re-runs. Desi was ready to sell. He borrowed the money from the Bank Of America to but RKO Studios for expanding productions. For the episode 'Lucy Goes To Sun Valley' shot at a lodge @ 5:30AM, but afterward, sending it back to the studio. 2 Days later, the studio called frantic wondering where the film went. Only to show up 3 months later unprocessed at Desilu's station.
It was after completing 'Lucy Goes To Sun Valley' Bob Carroll, Jr. and Madelyn Martin quit. They felt they had exhausted each 'Lucy' premise. They were brain weary. Vivian Vance had trouble being in the spotlight. For 8 years, she was in the shadow of Lucille Ball. She was the sued in 1959 for a divorce by husband Phillip Ober. To saver her faltering marriage, Lucy planned a trip on a French ocean liner. Tensions built between Lucy and Desi. Putting up a front at the studio. Lucy and Desi tried to desperately maintain a friendly relationship. It failed on Desi. Desi went to the Bank Of America, borrowed a few more million and bought RKO so he could expand and put more to work. As director, Lucy was lost w/o Desi. Since Lucy was at a loss, she let Desi take over and he got the revue ticking like a clock. Before 1959 was out, Lucy wanted to sue for divorce. The last Lucy/Desi outing was titled 'Lucy Meets The Mustache'. Ironically the last scene Lucy/Desi ever played together seemed to explain their REAL life marital problems. Backstage, there was no hope or smiles. It was over for Lucy/Desi. After the episode aired in April 1960, their divorce was old news. "TV's/America's favorite couple" had offically ended.
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My Three Sons |
We Love Lucy!
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What was YOUR Favorite Lucy episode out of this ICONIC series? |
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Rainbow Boys

We begin with Jason Carrillo, a jock, popular and, "active" with his girlfriend w/ unresolved feelings about who he was. He didn't understand how he could be gay. After carrying around a 'Rainbow Youth' group card in his back pocket, he attended a meeting and seen other classmates there as well, Kyle Meeks and Nelson Glassman. Nervously he stayed.
When Kyle was little, he knew he was different. Every time the subject of girls came around, he was never interested. It was the eighth grade when Kyle met Nelson with whom he had known was different. After school they had learned about each other and Kyle felt he was no longer alone.
The two soon bonded and hung out. But the following Monday, Kyle looked for Jason to make sure and apologize about Nelson and the meeting last Saturday. Kyle looked for Nelson to make sure he didn't say anything about Jason. After school, while they were trying to patch thing up in the rain under an umbrella, which Kyle shared w/ Nelson, continuing until they got they to Nelson's. Jason, a mist to making out with his girlfriend, Debra, began to dream it was Nelson, which scared him. But what could he say? He was interested in her, if only for re-assurance. Feeling uncertain, Debra began to "pleasure" him, only then does Jason dream that it was Kyle. He wanted to talk about what happened w/ Debra, but who? His first thought was - Kyle!
Kyle and Nelson had the idea to start a Gay-Straight Alliance at school. After school, Kyle tried to tell his parents at dinner about the alliance, but how could he if he couldn't even come out? The next morning before an appointment, Kyle seen Jason - a chance he may not have gotten again - and gave Jason a ride home which was pretty far away. Getting to know each other more, Kyle finally asked him the question he wanted and with the TRUE answer Jason BOLTED fearfully from the car!, which gave Kyle a new confidence to say more.
At the time of the homecoming dance, Jason went with Debra. Pulling at his tie all evening w/ the regret of taking his girlfriend. A little agitated at Debra, Jason couldn't stop thinking about Kyle. When Debra kept asking him what was wrong, even after "trying", he was despondent to respond. Talking lead to a "break" from the relationship - from her/not him. The following afternoon, Kyle went to Jason's for help with studying math - studying, small talk, nothing more.
When Kyle's mom came home from the grocery store, she had made dinner for the family. Kyle had bared ALL and OFFICIALLY come out to her! The reaction was unexpected. Just then, his dad came in and after dinner, he told his dad w/ an angry fight that followed. Leaving the dinner table, excusing himself, cleaning his plate and leaving the kitchen; he grabbed his jacket and stormed out! After his mom and him talked in the car, after his dad was asleep, he called Nelson quietly. The next day his dad gave him the silent treatment.
On a Sunday afternoon, after dealing with his dad's drinking the previous day, Jason and Kyle went to the movies and sat. During the film, nerves ABLAZE! They slowly began to hold hands during the movie - with Jason beginning first. But onlookers/passerby's in the theater made Jason pull back quickly after the apparent contact w/ each other. Tensions had been brewing for Kyle and his dad and they came to a boil the day after Thanksgiving when they were gone at a football game. When the dust settled his dad asked worriedly about HIV? Redundantly he replied no need for worry. When he went back to school, Kyle still felt awful for hitting Nelson. He bought him a gift as a peace offering and apologized. Everything was cool.
After walking home together, Kyle and Nelson had a beer bottle thrown at them from a passer truck shouting vulgarity. Experiencing that TOGETHER made Kyle want to start confiding in Nelson again - about Jason. He began to tell Nelson about Saturday night unsettled that he might he ACTUALLY be falling past the "friends" stage w/ Jason.
A party gathering for the Rainbow Group was held. At the party, Nelson spotted a cute guy, Blake. After the introductions and chatting, Nelson and Blake left the party together. Completely excited, Nelson began talking to Blake. After a few FIRST drinks to soothing nerves, they made out. Blake "jerked" Nelson. The emotions came, but we all know hesitation for preparation. Moving around made for a TRUTH about virginity. That stopped everything. On the way home, Nelson thought of Kyle losing his virginity to Jason.
After school on Monday, Debra grew tireless of Jason. She wanted him to explain where it was EXACTLY they stood. Fearfully, he told her the truth and came out to her. She reacted Hatefully back to him! (She had a right to.) At home, things kept worsening between Jason's dad and his mom.
At this point since coming out, Kyle had seen and experienced the type of bashing that Nelson suffered DAILY! After trying to swear off Jason - in all areas - on Kyle's behalf, guess who shows up at his door needing help? After some deep insight and secrecy coming abroad, before leaving Kyle asked Jason nervously if he could kiss him? Both experiencing a first kiss. After the initial shock of what happened, what could he do? Jason ran nervously away w/ Kyle running after him. Realizing later that he ACTUALLY got to kiss the boy he LOVED while getting a kiss back!
Around Christmas time when Nelson was blown off again by his father, disappointed, he seen a message online from a suitor, Brick, asking for "company". Agreeably he went. Having a beer to calm his nerves, he ended up to lose his virginity to someone he didn't even know that already had a lover. It was after that Nelson began to think of this STRANGERS HIV status, now if he had it? Key note: How could he have been so stupid?
Back at school, Jason suffered the ramifications of coming out to Debra. Jokes almost become something worse. At home, w/ his parents fighting and caring for his little sister, she began to question, like a youngster, about "certain" things! After 3 days of not showing up at school, Kyle became worried about Nelson, "What's wrong? Why haven't you been in school?" COMPLETELY in a depressive state, Nelson hadn't shown up due to over-stressing the weekends events and POSSIBLE consequences. Not wanting to have a lecture, but wanting compassion/comfort from Kyle. He gave him a hug, but then the emotions came tears. When his mom came in to situate dinner, he couldn't eat. (Too Bad!) Nelson REALLY did appreciate Kyle being there and not freaking out about it!
It was the following Saturday that Nelson's mom wanted to talk (which she tried to do all week) . His mom forced the conversation by wondering why Nelson didn't want to talk or do anything but stay in bed. He began to tell her the truth about the night his dad blew him off and losing his virginity. As any mom, she panicked of what to do? After the talk, he heard from Kyle and cleaned himself up and went back to school.
The following Saturday, Nelson went to a 'Rainbow Youth' meeting and heard a speaker discuss HIV and heard someone else speak his story. Jeremy told his experience/story then after it was over, Nelson & him spoke. Afterwards, exchanged numbers for someone to TALK to and come to for help made Nelson see that life doesn't have to stop just because of what you have wrong w/ you.
After being recruited to a school, as he biked home after school, Kyle was jumped by Jack Ransom. Jason was there and helped fight back Jack. After it was over, they went to Jason's to clean up. Talking shit over led to patching things up. After they left, his dad drunkenly began to physically fight his son for having "those" kids in his house. After that was over, when his dad drunkenly left, he/Jason felt victory and proud of himself for FINALLY standing up to his dad.
When Kyle got home from the day's events, his dad actually took pride into his son's first fight and that he was able to defend himself against this type of incident(s). He even began to show more interest into being more of a support for his son by seeing what P-FLAG was ALL ABOUT! The following Saturday Kyle prepped himself ready, after removing the braces and the glasses, for a dinner out w/ Jason. Going over to get him, he noticed a darkness inside of the house, no answering the doorbell, an unlocked door thinking something had happened. Walking inside he found Jason w/ his eyes swollen from crying. His dad had officially packed his shit and left for good. Although he felt he fucked up BIG time, he said his dad left due to Jason's sexuality. With his mom at a relative's and Jason home alone, he wanted Kyle to stay w/ him. Feeling an abundance of emotion, Kyle forwarded his emotion into "MORE" w/ Jason. After it was over, his mom came home, unaware of what just happened.
The next day, Sunday, Nelson wanted "details" about his experience. But then nerves caught up w/ wondering if he could be in a relationship w/ someone who was positive? When he got home, his dad had called, which made for Nelson throwing the phone FURIOUSLY! The following Saturday, Nelson had a date w/ Jeremy. Going made nerves ablaze. It made only for making out and taking things slow. Going back to school, the news of a GSA was successful.
After Jason awoke from making love w/ Kyle, after the morning fixtures, he heard the doorbell and w/ a surprise, it was Debra, there to apologize! Wanting to be friends, except the sex, pick up as best friends. Amiss the students in the hall, he spotted Nelson whom he could no longer ignore. It was merely "Hi, See you later". Just then a freshman was pulling down signs that Jason had posted. A slight altercation, nothing more. He felt embarrassed, but NOT sorry. He was sick of gay jokes. It was at lunch that Jason braced himself, through the hall crowd, through the councilor's office, his hand trembling the knob. With Kyle there, he took a deep breath and officially entered the gay and straight meeting. A first step into a new world!
Here's MY opinion:
This book DOES speak volumes about what teens go through EVERYDAY to acknowledge and become the people we were meant to be!

Friday, October 14, 2011
Don't Stand Too Close To A Naked Man

As a kid/teen, Tim was a HELL RAISER, whether alone or w/ friends for no reason. When he was with friends, all hell broke loose; when by himself or in front of adults - sweet as can be! 'The Eddie Haskell Syndrome'. After the petty theft w/ friends didn't pan out, he tried to sell drugs and was caught and sent to prison!

One thing that is SACRED ground is the "men's zone". An example: your own room, garage, basement, etc. Something else is: that women tell a man how to do something, a man does it differently and gets yelled at! WHO CARES AS LONG AS IT GOT THE JOB FINISHED/COMPLETED!! Men are fascinated by 2 things: construction & destruction.

After eight years, Tim settled to finally get married to his wife Laura. They later had a daughter. Before she was born, Tim thought/seen no reason to be in the delivery room, he thought he would be a pain in the ass, until he seen why. When his daughter was born, Tim seen a whole new side to being a man.
Since this books publication in in 1994, Tim has completed his series, 'Home Improvement/Tool Time' and done more movies. In 2011, Tim returned to TV w/ a new sitcom 'Last Man Standing' about . . . you guessed it a MAN's man. Only this time, a father to 3 daughters. (Talk about a hellish nightmare)!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Are You Out There, God?

Multiple stories of YOUNG kids being exploited, traded and, being exposed to more than they should EVER be exposed to! Some kids come so to Covenant House only to be caught and abused more - if not WORSE by their captors.
Covenant House |
A 15-year-old girl pulls up to Covenant House in a cab pleading help. After much talking, the girl ran away from a trucker after prostituting herself for survival. She had originally ran away from her home to be w/ "an older boyfriend" who MADE her into sex slavery.
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Sister Mary McGeady |
One night the Covenant House van pulled up to a girl named Janice, who was DEATHLY afraid to be seen speaking to anyone but her boyfriend who would find her and subject her to even more violence. Thankfully he didn't! Come to find out that Janice was also 4-months-pregnant after being forced to work the streets.
Just A Reminder:
Some of these stories REALLY DO have a happy AND successful ending, such as Chapter 11's story of Cindy. These stories - while HEARTBREAKING say something about how LUCKY we should ALL be!
Here's MY Opinion:
What you should carry away and remember from this book is this:
"Every child - EVERY SINGLE child deserves to know that he/she is loved!"
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Don't Pee On My Leg And Tell Me It's Raining

Beginning w/ a career that started in 1972 when she was hired by the city of New York to prosecute cases involving juveniles. Originally born in Brooklyn, Judy, still in law school, married her first husband at the age of 20. They divorced 12 years and 2 kids later. Remarrying at the age of 33 to Jerry Sheindlin, also a judge. It was a match.
In 1982, Judy was appointed to the family court bench. Six months later, Jerry was assigned, after 20 years, to the criminal court bench. Now it's a two-judge family. When it comes to rule in family court, all of the B.S. excuses would ASTOUND you, the only reply is simply: "Don't B.S. me, as a fair excuse as to why you're here!" At what point IS IT FAIR to say "enough is enough?"
Here is something, women damaging their children, not just by drugs, but by having HIV, then contacting it to their child? Is that fair? For kids who commit VIOLENT crimes w/ a lawyer to get them off, try a detention center for 3 days!? Send the harsh message to wake them up!
Judy also regales stories of her own children and their incidents. Stories in this book, some are about kids who commit crimes and destroy people just for sport. Remember it's just not kiddy court; it's criminal college. When it comes to Judy dealing w/ delinquents "Kids may be getting over on the system, but they don't get over on me"
One thing that is pure B.S. is juveniles who commit crimes just to say - "They told me too!" They made me! How about putting REALITY back into the system? Beginning w/ improving a kid's English ?? As well as THE SYSTEM'S ? For example - a juvenile is a "respondent", his crime is "an act" and his sentence is "a find". WHY NOT CALL IT FOR WHAT IT IS? DON'T B.S. IT! CALL THINGS FOR WHAT THEY ARE!! Curfews also cut back on worry and state dollars. If your kids home when the time comes for them to be - NO WORRY OR EXPENSES! It's a win-win!
Something else screwed up is that NYC courts ruled that Railroad stations CANNOT eject the homeless. Fine! But what about someone homeless there assaulting someone for cash or worse. The ruling made it possible for the criminal to come back and do the same. How Fucked Up Is That? What about 3-hots-and-a-cot? Something else is: that courts making a mugger out harming someone else out of their money and "technicalities" make the mugger a millionaire due to system cracks!
When we are parents, doesn't it bite you in the ass when our kids are/do the same exact shit we did that drove our parents NUTS?! When it comes to foster parenting, why not consider someone who has gone through COMPLETE & RIGOROUS training? Someone who matches the criteria in every inch? The same principal that's used in organ donation should be applied to foster parents? NOT BLOOD - BUT THE COMPATIBILITY? NOT just someone who looks good on an application! Remember looks CAN BE deceiving! A REAL-LIFE example is the case of Jerry Sherwood.
When it comes to parents fighting ENDLESSLY in a courtroom over custody/visitation, REMEMBER THIS: All it's doing is harming the child even worse! Hate to sound harsh, BUT, when you HAVE kids, you ASK FOR IT! Prevention prevents problems! Just remember this: Custody wars are battles w/o winners. Instead of playing "victim", GET REAL AND RESPONSIBLE! One irritation is women who do have a kid and act like it was "put upon her!"
When it comes to media morality. it can be BOTH a blessing AND a burden. A double-edged sword for example is the MTV show 'Teen Mom'. Some say it glorifies teen pregnancy, but others say it shows the REALITIES of parenting and what it TRULY costs you! What's your opinion?
Do you notice how you see stories ALL-THE-TIME of kids who have kids committing crimes to "support the family"? One glance someone could say "Doing for the family". Digging deeper you see their excuse is "I didn't have a dad. Or I didn't have a mom" So in response to that - . . . "And your point?" Just remember . . . sometimes these stories of foster care DO have a good/successful ending!!
If you watch and/or like the Courtroom TV show 'Judge Judy', then I would recommend reading this book just for the mere reason of seeing the experiences through her eyes!
Here's MY Opinion:
I DO AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY with what Judy does say in this book!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
No Wonder My Parents Drank: Tales From A Stand-Up Dad

Jay, to be honest, didn't really know what to expect. Tackeling such objects w/ a funny way to look at them, such as breast pumps and diapers. One of the most horrible jobs of having a baby on the way is naming it: Remember it's a name the baby will have for the rest of their lives. One of the cute mannerisms that we miss out on as kids get older is their "speech impediment". What I mean is the cute way kids mispronounce words, such as throw/"frow" or please/"puh-weze". It's what you do/how you handle it. But, how do you handle it w/o the kid feeling bad about themselves? As of this book's publication, my nephew, he's 3 yrs. old, his words are clear, but some are the same as his mother, my sister, had at that same age, girl became "grurl" and some of his pronounciations, although we express corrections, he shouts that (in his own form) his way is correct. So like the book says, they will learn in time!
My nephew does this as well, as well as Jay's son, Jackie, does isn't it funny/cute when your child just rambles on-and-on w/ information? Starting to tell you one thing, then going into them telling you "everything they know so they an tell you". What might seem like RAMBLING ON is THIER WAY of telling you a story. Or if you don't understand the way they are explaining something to you, my nephew does this too - seriously, as in the book if you don't understand, they will take you by the hand "here let me show you".
It doesn't matter ALOT to a kid on his firsts. But to the ones watching, it's amazing. Besides actually coming through birthing and potty training, isn't it something to see a child's first? Notice how kids have the worst sense of direction? You tell them here - they go there! Another milestone is that: Don't you hate it when your kid is BRUTALLY honest? Especially in front of strangers?

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Jackson "Jackie" and step-mom Nikki |
One thing that never fails are kids and their bionic hearing. You could have a piece of candy w/ the kid 3 doors down, they hear that wrapper and say "Can I have one?" Television is another thing that kids find fun. Granted it is, but nowadays kids STARE at the TV. Notice that? My nephew does that sometimes in my room (Bub-Bub's room) and I could leave him to do something, come back and just scare the SHIT out of him for fun. That's how in-tune to the TV he his.
Isn't it funny when kids NEVER take you at your word? You could say "You'll get hurt" as to warn them. They reply a "No, I won't" in gesture, then when the kid does it anyway, despite the warning, they cry the reasons why. Your response is simply "See, that's what you get!" Don't you hate when kids don't listen the first time?
When it comes to punishment, how far is too far? Some parents debate spanking. There are some who are for it, some are against it. Look at it this way: you CAN'T reason w/ a toddler/child. That's ALL I'm going to say! As far as it comes to kids and their attributes, some tell you everything about school, while others tell say NOTHING!
When it come to "heroes", one minute it's Spongebob, the next it's Liza or Bette . . . Here's a GOOD question, "At what age is the PERFECT age to teach about "The Talk"? Kids today either ask SOONER than later or they experience BEFORE talking. Then there are kids who are WAY TOO YOUNG to know or be informed, nor have ANY INKLING. But VISUAL HINDSIGHT says that they are OBVIOUSLY WAY TOO CURIOUS!
Here's MY opinion:
This book in a way is a sense for EVERY man. When/if you have kids, this IS one book you would want to pass down through generations. THIS IS NOT A PARENTING HANDBOOK! Just one to say 'I've been THERE and I see what you mean'.
For those of you with a young kid or are around one all the time, you could read this book and throughout it be thinking of the child and saying to yourself, "This is SO you!!"
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tuesdays With Morrie
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Mitch Albom |

Set in 1979, Massachusetts, after graduating from college, Mitch saying good-bye to his professor promises to stay in touch. Mitch knew something was wrong in 1994 when Morrie - who ALWAYS danced, suddenly stops, developing asthma in his 60s. Through time his health just worsened. After batteries-and-batteries of tests were ran, Morrie was diagnosed w/ ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), saying good-bye to simple everyday ordinary things. With troubles apparent, he could no longer keep this secret.
Since Morrie knew he was going to die, he used himself as a final project. Walking the line between life-and-death, Morrie would narrate the trip. As his health BECAME worse-and-worse, visitors came ALOT and Morrie listened to everyone else's problems, because that's what he did - he listened!
Meanwhile, after Mitch graduated, life wasn't what he thought! He was nothing but a slacker. Then after his uncle's death, he STRAIGHTENED UP AND GOT HIS LIFE TOGETHER. Mitch finished more school, got multiple jobs, met a girl, Janice, married her, promised children. Over the years, his old school would send him things. Thinking they were for donations, just always threw everything away. It would've just stayed that way . . . had he not flicked channels one night and something caught his ear . . .
After refusing to let the worst get to him, Morrie kept mentally everything, writing everything down. One friend sent his stuff to a Boston Globe reporter who did a feature story . The article featured Morrie on 'Nightline'. When the interview aired on a Friday night, a thousand miles away Mitch heard the name Morrie Schwartz - and went numb.
When Mitch arrives he waits a minute and this is sighted by his professor that he had not seen in 16 years. After the initial pleasantries, Mitch unknowingly has just walked into his last class. Being w/ his professor and marveling at his idol, he/Mitch wondered what happened to the person he used to be? Seeing his professor throughout lunchtime, he seen what troubles his professor went though daily. But his professor, Morrie, was just so accepting. At lunch, something creepy got at Mitch, Morrie taught him a trick - that still haunts him to this day!! - When it was exactly Morrie was going to die.
Going through a HECTIC day, thinking about what Morrie had said about life around you, Mitch packed up and left. Calling Morrie in a hectic state of confusion, the only thing Morrie responded was "We'll talk Tuesday". Sophomore year Mitch takes 2 more of Morrie's classes while still attending sessions. That First Tuesday, they talk about the world and current politics. The second Tuesday was even more pleasurable - as were more Tuesdays that followed. On this Tuesday, after some conversation, Morrie had to go to the bathroom and as he was done, Mitch volunteered to help his professor get back in his chair and REALLY seen the shape this man was in, realizing that time was running out.
While the interview was going on on TV, Morrie is reminded of his childhood as a kid. On the forth Tuesday, going in as normal to speak w/ Morrie, Mitch sees that Morrie now needs oxygen to help him breathe better. Teaching Mitch one final lesson which was "once you die, you learn how to live" . Meanwhile, thanks to the 'Nightline' interview, letters started pouring in.
On the fifth Tuesday, Morrie and Mitch discuss family. On Morrie's bookshelf was a photo of his family and in discussing them, he shares that there is NOTHING better in the world than your family. In talking about his brother who, from birth, was a COMPLETE opposite from whom Mitch was traveling the world, living in Spain, he received the one thing Morrie feared he would, same as their uncle, pancreatic cancer. Not one who wanted family around, Morrie understood the reasons why!
On the sixth Tuesday, going over to Morrie's as usual, Mitch sees Morrie with his wife Charlotte and finds out that ALL OF THE FOOD Mitch had brought him since day one wasn't touched. Morrie couldn't eat it due to it being too hard to swallow. Only eating soft things and liquid drinks now! Still coughing HARD and worsening, Morrie still finds time, in his worsening state to teach Mitch a life lesson. After that came a HUGE coughing spell from Morrie that you could tell scared Mitch. Officially realizing he wanted to die peacefully and NOT in a sudden panic like the one they just experienced.
One thing about Morrie as a professor was that he was the one that the kids came to and the one they idolized. The one they wanted to be when they grew up! That seventh day discussed Morrie lost his battle and was now dependent for everything. Already an independent person, he enjoyed the help he received. Looking at Morrie, Mitch suddenly knew why he enjoyed it . . . human touch.
Teaching Mitch a lesson about money - everything was of the same and yet the house changed drastically. Filling up on friendship, honesty, tears and more. No longer able to move his own head and had to use a urinal, voice ALMOST gone and Morrie STILL wanted to finish this thesis. On the tenth Tuesday, Morrie had discussed marriage and had wanted to meet Janine, Mitch's girlfriend. Wanting to meet Janine, Morrie heard that she was a great singer. Bringing a tear to his eyes w/ her beautiful voice. On the eleventh Tuesday, Mitch was shown by Morrie's physical therapist to help more w/ his care. When it came time, eyes glued, to the TV for the O.J. verdict, EVERYONE was watching. All except Morrie who was on the toilet.

After talking, Mitch promised to visit Morrie every Tuesday, cause their Tuesday people, coming to his grave - even if it's just to talk. Morrie had come to terms w/ life in order to prepare for death. In all of the time that Morrie was sick, he was REALISTIC to a fault. Before he left, Morrie wanted to bring up a tough subject for Mitch - his brother. After discussing it, Mitch & Morrie realize that one day he would find and re-connect w/ his brother. Hey, he found Morrie didn't he?

Morrie died on a Saturday morning. having died peacefully w/ family in another room, the way he wanted it on purpose. He wanted to go serenely and that's how he went. Morrie was right about everything. The funeral was on a Tuesday.

Here's MY opinion:
This book/story just goes to show you what is TRULY missed between the generations. Doesn't matter what the relationship is!
Did you ever have that kind of teacher in your lifetime?
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