Beginning w/ 17-yr-old Hazel, who has been diagnosed w/ lung cancer. Due to the diagnosis, Hazel has been in a depression. Her mother figures it best if her daughter join a support group. Her mom wants her to go lift her spirits, but Hazel does NOT want to go. She goes to make her parents happy. Due to the incapacity of her lungs, Hazel has had to be on oxygen w/ a semi-portable tank. After she got there and some refreshments, Hazel noticed a boy in group looking at her. He was her age, maybe a bit older. Aside from her attire, Hazel still had showing signs of side effects on account of medication.
Hazel cut a glance of this boy looking in her direction, occurring to why they call it eye contact. After taking her seat, Hazel noticed he was still looking at her. She noticed he was semi-attractive. After group introductions, the boy was Augustus Waters, who was in remission for a year & 1/2. He was there at a friend's request. It was the same speeches throughout the meeting. Augustus admitted his own fears: blindness. Blindness to other people's feelings. Hazel was more of a quiet, non-hand raising type. But she did raise her hand deciding to speak. It was during her talk that Augustus seen more than a sick patient. She was MORE!

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PICC line |

After an hour into the movie, Augustus' parents came upstairs serving the enchiladas, which they ate on the couch. After the movie, Hazel had to go home due to class in the AM. Hazel drove his car home w/ Augustus riding shotgun. Hazel kept looking at his leg trying to imagine what is to what was. Piquing her curiosity. After parking the car, she seen his beauty. After their goodbyes came an invitation to see her again tomorrow. Patience is a virtue coming to those who wait. Augustus would call after finishing her suggested book.
Hazel was up late reading. On a course of late the next day. Her mom could TELL that Hazel was taking a liking to Augustus. Her mom was in celebration OVERDRIVE for Arbor Day. Hazel felt like lounging. Her mom wanted her to do something. It was suggested to hang out w/ friends to do that something. So after Hazel readied herself, her mom drove to her school. Making plans w/ friends during class. After school, Hazel's mom took her to the bookstore. After the bookstore, in which she found the continuation of the book Augustus suggested, she went to the food court. Pretty soon, Hazel met up w/ friends. Next came the ODD catch-ups w/ peers "your own age". They may be your same age numerically, but mentally and maturity says ALOT different. Hazel thought to include them in her details w/ Augustus. Either there was nothing to tell or she didn't want to ruin what could be. Of course, being young you lose sight of words that would/could be sensitive around her peers that might/could take advantage. Creating an awkward silence. Hazel bought a pair of flip-flops just as something within the trip. She was picking out something just to pick it out. NOTHING truly IMPORTANT. Hazel picked up the rest of a trilogy set to the first book she already had. She wanted to pick up the sequel book to begin reading while her "peers" were chatting, but she KNEW it would be rude, so she just watched her friends. She just wanted to get out of there. She feigned tiredness to get away. Hazel was blessed to get 2 hrs to HERSELF ALONE!
Hazel wasn't lying per se. She gave herself a way out from her friends. Making things sound worse than they TRULY were. After excusing herself, she found a bench at a location of the mall she KNEW her friends would NEVER visit, she sat down and began reading. UNABLE to put the book down. Hazel TRULY ENJOYED reading this series. Something she hadn't done since she was a kid. It was exciting. She was nearing the end of the book when she was interrupted by a little girl. The girl was asking about Hazel's oxygen. Hazel put it in a child's version to explain and understand. Then she gave her an example/sample. After that, the little girl and her mother left. Hazel returned to her book.
It HIT Hazel that the occurrence w/ her friends/"social peers" that the awkwardness was NOT a one-time thing. Any attempt to feign it was depressing. Outside of the interruption, Hazel TRULY loved & ENJOYED the SILENCE ALONE!
Throughout the book, An Imperial Affliction, Hazel sees it as one she identifies with. Due to the ending of the book, Hazel wrote to the publisher asking what happens after? Not a response back. When she was re-reading it, she kept wondering/imagining Augustus in the same position as her reading it. She wondered his reactions to the book. She kept her promise afterward, found his number and texted him with her opinions. He re-informed her of a promise to CALL not text. So he did. She was 453 pages in a 641 page book. Withholding an opinion until the book was finished. Then came chitchat about the books. Of course there are wanted hints. NOT A GIVEN CLUE OR HINT! The next morning, Hazel had a poetry class. After her mom picked her up, they drove to the local theater to see a film. When it finished, Hazel had 4 text messages from Augustus. He WANTED to know the mysterious end of this book. She replied when they got home.
When she called, Augustus answered on the 3RD ring. Hazel heard violent SOBBING on the other end of the line. He wanted to meet up w/ her in 20 minutes. When Hazel arrived at his house, he was in the basement w/ a friend, Isaac. They were playing The Price Of Dawn. Tears were streaming from Isaac's face. He COULDN'T take his eyes off his controller. Isaac was in the midst of his emotions after a recent breakup. All Isaac wanted was to cry and put his emotions into a video game. After the game finished, Augustus pulled out his cigarette. The breakup Isaac was enduring was due to the girl unable to handle Isaac losing his eyesight. (keyword: handle). COMPLETELY UNFAIR & UNACCEPTABLE! Although it was promised, when you're young, you don't ALWAYS understand the promises you make. Isaac had a "fit" letting his emotions out. SMASHING ALL of Augustus' trophies in the process. PAIN NEEDS TO BE FELT & LET OUT. NOT FESTERING! Hazel did not speak to Augustus for a week since that night. Hazel tried to call once, now it was Augustus' turn. He didn't.

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Funky Bones |
At first, Hazel's mom was skeptical on the idea. After some convincing from her daughter, she began to ready things while Hazel went to rest. Hazel couldn't stop thinking of the moments w/ Augustus at the picnic. Her mind made her give negativity to an ENTIRELY POSITIVE situation. She called/texted a friend for advice. After informing her friend, Kaitlyn, of the situation, obviously Kaitlyn wanted "details". Giving her opinion. Then Hazel pulled out a laptop and looked up Augustus' girlfriend, Caroline Mathers, who had died a year ago prior of brain cancer. All of the pics were prior to a diagnosis. After awhile, Hazel went down for dinner. She couldn't forget what she seen. She lost her appetite. Hazel could NOT figure out why it BOTHERED her while trying to focus on dinner and family. Hazel's mom was NOTICING a change. EXPRESSING & MASKING her anger at the situation. She was fine. Wanting to go read for awhile.
While Hazel's parents argued, she was finding out about Caroline. Reading her tribute pages and such. The words she read made Hazel feel/wonder how she would be expressed after . . . . It scared her into trying to end things. KNOWING where he's been before. Hazel didn't want to put Augustus through it again. He GOT the message. At 4:00A, Hazel FELT an apocalyptic PAIN from behind her head. Hazel's screaming awoke parents, who went into PARENT mode, taking her the hospital. Hazel couldn't stop screaming due to the pain, but Hazel needed quiet. Next thing she knew, Hazel woke up in the ICU. Waking up to identify her surroundings, feeling tired when her parents came in. Everything hurt when she squeezed. Hazel's headache was caused by poor oxygen. Her lungs were swimming in a liter & 1/2 of fluid! of which had already been drained which explains the hurt. ALL of Hazel's pain was due to lack of oxygen and her heart working TOO HARD. After her parents left due to visiting hours, Hazel's nurse fed her some ice chips. Being taken care of. The nurse informed Hazel of a boy, assuming a boyfriend, who has NOT left the waiting room since Hazel got to the hospital. Hazel doesn't want him to see her like this. It was a Family Only rule. She eventually fell asleep. Hazel would get home 6 days later.
After everything was removed/taken out, Hazel changed into her "Go Home Clothes". All was gone except for Hazel's oxygen. Even though she was tired, Hazel's mom offered, w/ Hazel accepting, to go see Augustus. Her dad came back w/ Augustus a few minutes later. Augustus looked dishevelled. BOTH Augustus & Hazel lit up when they seen each other. After in which they were left alone for privacy. He missed her. Hazel was GRATEFUL to Augustus for not seeing her at her worst. Considering what they have both been through, looks/appearance really isn't that important. It really doesn't matter.
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Bi PAP Machine |
A couple of days later, Hazel and her doctors had a Cancer Team meeting to discuss the medical situations. Hazel was feeling better. Sleeping w/ a Bi PAP all night made her lungs feel almost normal. The meds were controlling tumor growth. The problem now is continual fluid accumulation. Where do you go now? Hazel's medicine is worsening her edema. But it would create more problems if DC'd (discontinued). Hazel's cancer was not going away. But a long lifeline has been seen before. For the time being, Hazel's fluid is manageable. With her health, Hazel's candidacy for a TX (transplant) was not good. It hurt her dad to hear that. During the worst of it when Hazel's lungs were searching for air and she was in the ICU, she heard her mom quietly say into her dad's chest whispering how she wouldn't be a mom anymore. That was at a worst when it looked like Hazel was going to die. THAT gutted Hazel pretty badly. She couldn't stop thinking of it during the Cancer Team meeting. They kept things the same w/ more fluid draining. At the end, w/ PROPER care, the doctor OKAY'D Hazel's trip to Amsterdam - if she was willing to take the chance and risks. On the way home, Hazel would NOT be going to Amsterdam unless w/ a SAFE medical agreement.
Augustus called after dinner. After breaking the news to him came the jokes. Augustus accidentally let it slip that he was a virgin. Even within their distance of time and space, Hazel & Augustus were in theirs. After getting off the phone, Hazel's parents settled in for a night of TV, meds & bed. After getting up late the next morning and being UP!, Hazel began crafting an e-mail to the author about why she couldn't come to Amsterdam. She crafted up an e-mail, but didn't send it. She proceeded to call Augustus when he got home from school. Hanging up when she got his voicemail. Hazel thought about all of the inspirational insights Augustus pointed out until he called back. She relays ALL of her sorrows onto him. Different factors that run together. He came over 20 minutes later. After he arrived, he seen Hazel's point. She was then him asking what he seen in her? He made her see past the problem in front of her. They went inside and together they wrote an ad to get rid of the swing set that upset her. Hazel once again pointed out the beauty that Augustus seen that she didn't. After it was done, they were together while Augustus read An Imperial Affliction while Hazel listened. Hazel slowly fell in love right then. An hour later an e-mail came in about the swing set. Before he left came a surprising kiss on the cheek. Hazel went to bed after dinner and no one seen the swing set again.
After Hazel got up the next day, she had an e-mail from the author's representation. Setting out a plan for a trip that Hazel & Augustus would embark. Hazel was granted her trip on her doctor's okay. Done as a COMPLETE surprise! Afterward she informed Augustus. Everything was on the UP! Hazel & Augustus were taking that trip!
The day before leaving for Amsterdam, Hazel returned to the Support Group. Her first return since meeting Augustus. After taking a seat from needing to sit, the elevator opened to reveal Issac and his mom. He had ahold of his mom's hand in his and a cane in the other. Hazel took a seat next to him. Next came Support Group routine. One patient within the group complimented & TRULY admired Hazel as an inspiration. After it was over, she assisted someone to the elevator, whom he left w/ his mom when she arrived. Due to feeling bad for him, Hazel accepted an invitation to come over to his house. Playing video games and having Augustus in common. In discussion, Hazel truthfully didn't want to hurt Augustus any more than he already has been.
When it was time to pack for the trip, they could only pack ONE suitcase. Even though they had a NOON flight, Hazel's mom awoke her at 5:30A, making sure EVERYTHING was PACKED & READY. After some breakfast, Hazel & her mom were READY to leave. During goodbyes to her dad, he began to get emotional. Hazel reminded him of it only being 3 days. Her dad was crying as they left.

After dozing off a bit, Hazel awoke to the landing gear coming down. When they left, they were taken off by taxi. Hazel thought Holland looked like Indianapolis, aside from prominent landmarks. From the taxicab came a city tour. They were staying at the Hotel De Filosoof. On the desk in their hotel room stood a wicker basket FULL of gifts from the Genie's representing Holland. While her mom toured the city, Hazel rested in their room w/ the BiPAP. When she awoke a few hours later, Hazel's mom was sitting in a chair reading a guidebook. Instead of touring the city, Hazel's mom sat reading in case a child needs her mom. Hazel's mom would do her share of private touring while Augustus & Hazel had a reserved dinner. Everything was privately set. Her mom sent her 16-yr-old daughter alone w/ a 17-yr-old boy out in a city known for permissiveness. Augustus was prompt in his 6:00P arrival. (NOON back home) After the compliments from all parties, they took a train to their destination. Exploring the city along the way.
After switching trams and 4 more stops, they arrived at a street split by a beautiful canal and beautiful picturesque settings. Next stop was a beautiful restaurant. Champagne compliments of the restaurant. What surrounded them was the city of Holland COMING TO LIFE! The problem is when you're NEW to it, it's a gift. When you're used to it, it's no longer having that magic. With a special dinner came an opportunity for new experiences and unforgettable memories. Nights like these only come periodically (or once) in a lifetime. A night to be remembered. EVERYTHING was perfect. Despite REALITY within . . .Even though Hazel's cancer was terminal, her treatments were in pursuit of life extension. Augustus LIVED w/ uncertainty. He KNEW and began asking his parents for funeral prep. Hazel informed Augustus of their reality. They were on a date and his eyes lit up!
A discussion of each's own belief in the afterlife. Upsetting Hazel in the process. After stating his TRUTH, it made Hazel like him even more. The meal was paid for by Mr. Peter Van Houton. As they were taking in the night, they were anxious of the meeting of the author the next day. It had occur ed to Hazel how much this book TRULY MATTERED to Augustus independently from her. Next came a private canal ride. The situations surroundings made Hazel think of Augustus' ex, Caroline Mathers. Hazel was inquisitive to ask what happened? He gave Hazel a history of his past relationship. Even though Augustus was bettering w/ chemo, Caroline was worsening. When Caroline was able to go home, Augustus thought they could have a real relationship. She had NO filter to herself which was somewhat hurtful. Even then, Augustus couldn't dump her and do that to her. There were MOMENTS when Caroline wasn't herself. Inappropriately taking her out of herself and her character. The tumor she had may or may not have eaten her brain. Losing herself as she got sicker. Even through the heartache he's been through already, Augustus seen it a privilege in having his heart broken by Hazel Grace Lancaster.
Hazel was up at 4:00A. Any attempts to sleep failed, occupying herself until her mom woke up at 6:00A. TODAY was the OFFICIAL meeting day w/ author Peter Van Houton. Hazel spent 30 minutes debating w/ her mom over wardrobe. As the morning passed, Hazel's nervous were accelerated. When they arrived, Augustus took Hazel by one arm and had her oxygen tank w/ the other. Hazel's heart was pounding. When meeting Mr. Van Houton, he was unsure at first of who they were until being reminded. At first, he was completely dismissing them. Augustus & Hazel could hear it all. After which, they were greeted at the door. They came upon garbage bags full. Full of unopened fan letters. That explained why he never responded to Hazel's. While fixing himself a scotch, he offered one to them. Hazel & Augustus politely refused. After his drink, it became a discussion of the book. More of his drinking continued. He was giving Hazel & Augustus the answers they've come to seek. Mr. Van Houton was becoming VERY RUDE with his answers.

You can write a GREAT body of work. That doesn't exclude you to just be HUMAN of GRATITUDE! All the former assistant could do was express her sorrow & embarrassment. When they arrived, they were unaware of deep stairs due to Augustus. Hazel had trouble accomplishing them, but made it. In a moment of pure enjoyment, Hazel Grace couldn't help but kiss Augustus Waters. They didn't know it would be in front an audience watching. After noticing, Augustus nervously smiled & bowed as Hazel curtsied. After making their way downstairs, the tour continued. It was wet and rainy when they drove back to the hotel. Standing in the rain for a minute, Augustus seen more of Hazel's beauty. As they were to step out of the elevator to the floor to their room, Augustus barely had his balance. Just out of shape. He was scared & petrified as to how Hazel would see ALL of his physicality. Hazel was assertive at telling him to get over himself. After needing to help him, kissing as they fumbled for the room key. Passionately giving their virginities (or hers) to each other! Due to the day itself and the incidents ensued, Augustus was exhausted after and fell asleep. In which, Hazel wrote him a love letter.

The scan seen that the lining of his chest, his left hip, his liver - EVERYWHERE was covered. He sensed that Hazel's mom knew where he was coming from not to say anything. They both began to break down. Dropping anchor. After awhile, they laid together as he confessed to already beginning chemo. But, he gave it up to go to Amsterdam. That infuriated his parents. Hazel recalls hearing the argument that morning. Augustus felt like he conned Hazel into falling in love w/ a healthy person. He didn't see a battle won. Only lost. There was NO honor in dying of. NO glory in illness. He just wanted to forget it and go on w/ life as "normal" as possible.
On the flight home, Augustus & Hazel ordered champagne. Toasting to each other. Chalking up the champagne experience as a "Cancer Perk". Augustus seemed to zone out due to chest pain all of a sudden. Hazel went into his backpack digging for pills, taking one w/ the champagne. He sat there waiting for it to take effect. Soon falling asleep. Hazel's dad was awaiting to pick them up from the airport. After getting home, Hazel told her dad what Augustus told her during the trip. He ALREADY KNEW! Her dad read An Imperial Affliction while they were gone. The next day, Hazel drove to Augustus' house, spending the day w/ his parents while he slept napping on the couch. Hazel could see him sleeping w/ a PICC line already in. His treatment consisted of 2 chemo drugs and a protein receptor. Hazel KNEW what meds they were. After awhile, Hazel, Augustus & Issac were there catching up. When she was getting up for a minute, it had HIT & OCCURRED to her that she was perhaps the healthiest out of all 3 of them. Hazel drove while Augustus was shotgun. They went to the store where, by Augustus' instructions, Hazel bought eggs that were later used to vandal Monica's car for doing Issac dirty - completing the mission with SUCCESS!
The next day was a get together dinner w/ Hazel's parents and Augustus' parents. Augustus was admitted to the hospital a week later due to chest pains. Hazel was there the next morning to visit. When she arrived, she came upon Augustus' mom talking on a cellphone. His mom told Hazel was she knew: A tough night. Augustus' heart was working too hard. He needed to scale back on activity. Bound to wheelchairs. New medicine to better his pain. It was previously agreed to be FAMILY ONLY visitors. Hazel couldn't see him. She felt bad due to possibly missing an opportunity. Hazel STAYED hanging out within the waiting area. Keeping herself busy flipping through memories on her phone. 2 Weeks Later, Hazel wheeled Augustus across the art park toward Funky Bones w/ an expensive bottle of champagne and her oxygen tank in his lap. The champagne was donated by one of Augustus' doctors. BEING THERE IN THE MOMENT!
Augustus may NOT have been the boy Hazel seen at Support Group, but he was still there! Even though the sickness was getting him, Augustus still intended to write Hazel that sequel. He told Hazel of what he would've written. After lunch, they strolled to the backyard. He was well enough to push his own wheelchair. They went inside when Augustus needed meds, fed though him w/ a G-Tube. His family was watching video memories of Augustus. He was varsity freshman in basketball. After getting into bed and covered, they just lay together. Eventually they fell asleep that way. Waking up later to play video games. Finally, his dad came in and dragged Augustus back upstairs. Hazel knelt to kiss him goodnight. Going home at the end of the day. Waking up the next day to return again.
A month after getting home, Augustus was sleeping downstairs. Hazel LOUDLY knocked before entering, trying to get his attention. She found him mumbling in his own jibberjabber. He'd pissed the bed. It was awful. Hazel couldn't look. She shouted for his parents. They came down to clean him up while Hazel went upstairs. When she returned, he was waking up from his meds - slowly. Trying to play it a normal day but Augustus was too exhausted. Hazel didn't say anything. She wanted him to forget her presence, hoping he would NOT remember. But he did. To Hazel, it was NO BIG DEAL, even though Augustus was mortified. The thing is - Augustus was sick and truly couldn't help it. He confessed that he thought his obituary would MEAN SOMETHING SPECIAL. Not just another story in the paper. Hazel wanted him to write one for her. He didn't think he would make it to write hers. Hazel was frustrated. She just wanted to be enough for him. He KNEW her frustrations. He GOT what she was saying. Changing the situations before regretful things were said. See your situations for what they are. You're not going to be everything you wanted.
Hazel woke up to a specialized ringtone to her phone meaning Augustus. At first, she thought something happened. It was him. He was calling from a gas station. SOMETHING WAS WRONG!! It was 2:55A.M. He did something wrong w/ his G-Tube and needed Hazel's help. She was going to call 911. If she did call anyone, he would NEVER forgive her. He needed HELP w/ his medicine. He was sobbing. She was in a mode: I HAVE TO GET THERE! She left a note to her parents and DARTED! Wondering why on the way there. She pulled up next to his car. He was covered in his own vomit holding the site to his G-Tube. It seen that his sight was infected. He puked - letting it out. He was originally there to buy a pack of cigarettes. He lost his original. He felt that he wanted to go do something for himself. Hazel was sorry, but she HAD to dial 911.
Augustus looked at Hazel horribly. The man Hazel fell in love w/ was gone, replaced by the one in front of her. He HATED what the illness has made of him. Being who he was into who he is. He was in tears. He wanted his chance to be someone GREAT! He was someone who refused pity. He was screaming & crying, poisoned by his G-Tube. Hazel was THERE when he NEEDED someone. To keep him alert until ambulance arrival, Hazel recited a poem from memory. She worked on it as the ambulance drove past them. For someone who doesn't write poetry, Augustus liked what Hazel wrote while waiting for the pickup.
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Hazel had taken a day off from visiting Augustus due to feeling unwell herself. Just tiredness. He did call her later in the day. She heard the voice that she fell in love with. He asked if she could meet him at a specified church around 8P? Although she had Support Group planned, Hazel went to meet Augustus. She then began to undo her BiPAP. A fight erupted w/ her parents. Reminding them of who she was pre-Augustus. Hazel's dad grabbed her arm. But her cannula was getting unable to be put on - making it harder to breathe. Her dad let her go, connecting her to the machine for oxygen. Although still angry, Hazel could see the guilt in his eyes. After things were finished, Hazel went to her room to write about Augustus. Her parents tried to knock on the door, but she reminded them of her doing something IMPORTANT! It took Hazel FOREVER to find the words of what she wanted to say. But, it wasn't enough. Hazel wasn't happy with it. When it was finished, it was 7:40P. Hazel didn't have time to change. Going in what she had on: cotton pajama pants, flip-flops & Augustus' Butler shirt. They would NOT let it go until she agreed to be home EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! It took her the ENTIRE night to calm down about her parents. After arriving, Hazel parked behind Augustus' car. When arriving, ALL Hazel seen was a wheelchair-bound Augustus, who was rail thin. He was facing Hazel from the center of the circle. He complimented her. Isaac was clinging to a little wooden lectern. She sat where he wanted her to sit - next to him. Augustus wanted to attend his funeral. Asking Hazel to speak. During her time to speak, Hazel began to cry during her eulogy.

Hazel got out a laptop and went to his page w/ condolences pouring in. Making Hazel wonder if she would be given or shown the same respected treatment? Who would and what would be said about her? Augustus' funeral was 5 days away - Saturday. Hazel knew these people were GENUINELY sad, but where were they when the worst was poached? After awhile, Hazel returned to her family who was there to comfort her. She began crying again. Her parents were THERE as Hazel broke through an EMOTIONAL floodgate.
After the funeral services, one of Augustus' brother's-in-law brought up a boom box playing a song Augustus had picked out. Hazel didn't want to go to the after service. Her parents wanted her to be there for Augustus' parents. She didn't want to do what was coming at the grave site. Bringing too much REALITY to the situation. But Hazel did & more. Her parents thought it was appropriate. Hazel noticed & spoke to Peter Van Houton after it was over. In a wonderment, she wondered how he got there and knew of Augustus' passing? Her parents introduced themselves. He shook their hands. It astounded Hazel. Peter Van Houton flew halfway around the world to attend a funeral. Hazel and her dad gave him a ride. She took a sip from Van Houton's whiskey. Van Houton confessed that he and Augustus had corresponded a bit up until his last ____. Augustus' wrote that Van Houton would be absolved of his behavior in Amsterdam if he attended Augustus' funeral and told Hazel what they wanted to KNOW from his book An Imperial Affliction. So there he was . . . FINALLY telling Hazel what they had WANTED to KNOW! She NO LONGER wanted to know. Mr. Van Houton PROVED himself when they were in Amsterdam. Hazel didn't want to hear what he had to say. Hazel then threw him out of the car to where he silently left. He looked sad, making Hazel feel somewhat bad for him. Going home, Hazel was exhausted.
When Hazel went to brush her teeth, she realized there were 2 kinds of adults in which she gives her thesis on. Seeing that, she has already seen everything pure & gold in the world. Hazel's dad came and entered the bathroom. He was sorry about Augustus. He seen what attracted his daughter to fall in love with Augustus.

It was the worst kind of air for Hazel when she arrived at Augustus' parents house. Hazel didn' know what to say to them. Next, Augustus' sisters w/ their kids came in. Afterwards, Hazel went to the location of what Augustus had left for her. After searching and surrounding herself in his scent, NOTHING was found - except for that.
Three days later, with thanks to a message left from his dad, Hazel finds out Augustus left her some notebook pages that he had apparently torn out. But, where did he leave them? The next day, Hazel went to pick up Isaac to go to Support Group. When she arrived, Hazel was on a mental search as to where Augustus hid the pages. Wearing herself out at Support Group looking. Isaac began talking about true love during his speech. Hazel remained quiet for the rest of Support Group. After it was over and Hazel had taken Isaac to the car, they had all gone home. When they got home, Hazel's parents wanted her to take it easy. She couldn't. She had worn herself out in her search. Her mom wanted her daughter to eat dinner. Hazel couldn't. Her mom thought her daughter was starving herself in lieu of Augustus' passing. Hazel was pissed off at the world. EVERYTHING came out in a fit of anger. Regrettable things were said. Whether Hazel was alive or not . . . . her mom will ALWAYS be in "mom mode".
Hazel DID NOT want her parents to stop living if she died. Her mom was TRULY researching what to do if . . . .! That TRULY mad Hazel feel better. Her parents would FIND a way of moving on! Considering their options. Hazel's mom wasn't imagining a world without her daughter, she was getting some use out of her experiences. Hazel was crying out of GENUINE HAPPINESS for her mother. After finding it out came a daughter's questionnaire as well as the future of her parents' marriage. Would Hazel's passing be the end of a marriage? Whatever happens will be seen together. Hazel spent the rest of the night trying to keep dinner down.
Thanks to a bad dream, Hazel woke up panicked! After getting help from her mom and becoming OKAY, Hazel took a phone call. During the conversation, the ANSWER of where Augustus had left the pages, for her thanks to a friend, the ANSWER hit her: Mr. Van Houton. Hazel HAD TO get off the phone and CHECK! She reached for her laptop and e-mailed the source. She received a response later that afternoon. Hazel wondered if Augustus had written Van Houton in his last days instead of her? Augustus' sequel being read by Van Houton would clear ALL debts. She tried to busy herself while anxiously awaiting an e-mail back. Her mind kept wondering back to Amsterdam. Seeing others in their relationships. Hazel felt robbed. Realizing what she is/would be missing of a future. Back-drawing on her thoughts, Hazel realized her life expectancy was greater than others.

"It's not about the destination or where you're going, it's the journey you take in getting there!"